Face Your Fears (BOTC) - [9/15]/[2/2]

@Atlas i actually had a chat to Besjbo about the archivist corruption lonely combo.
They said they wouldnt rule it as a win cause they havent learnt anyone on their team. But they understand littens point and will be changing it to make it clearer

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Litten successfully broke a script


@litten your day has been ruined

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You can’t just put 13 abilities in a demon from a homebrew and not expect there to be something to cook with


don’t think too hard about the peter lukas archivist interaction

i guarantee there is as of yet unforeseen fuckshit waiting to happen with that

dont bother to think about it

having read the almanac the example isn’t entirely clear but it implies that for at least one townsfolk ability the archivist can use it twice. and i see nothing saying they can’t do it for all of their abilities

oh there’s gonna be some fuckshit

What about this?

what about it

Does the second part of the ability imply it has to be from the first part of the ability?

think so

if you’re referring to specifically the hunt: no

…are you referring to the second part as in the last sentence or as the 2nd sentence

i may have completely misread that

for the record, the first part of the jurgen leitner fabled covers the case of getting abilities with extended duration: most notably, if you get the hunt ability temporarily without actually being the hunt, you still kill people if your target hasn’t died by the deadline

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this applies for both jurgen leitner and every evil character that can gain the hunt ability

Could the spiral twjst the vast, causing them to poison the demon, which, in turn, causes the demon to learn its own name from the corruption, in the most funny twisted manner ever