Face Your Fears (BOTC) - [2/9] - Evil Wins

melanie king insurance

even if the first two are melanie + demon the third is always a good player

so here is number two

VOTE: pidgeon
Pidgeon has made 6 posts. (true statement). none of them have been helpful (subjective statement)

/whisper @Magnus

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Welcome back. You’re earlier than expected.

Do you know how to make a chat?

@Magnus doesnm your outsider claim math take daisy tonner into account

answer when you’re back ig

I’d rather you did

As to not give me chance to mess it up

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just noticed i have 2 abilities from the roles in the script not completely new ones like amnesiac

I’m dumb

i should gamble and fully support the good team

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Did you think you were a double amnesiac?

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Ending the whisper there.

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VOTE: Nuto

Any Hunt claim could reasonably intuit the possibility of themselves being Daisy Tonner and react accordingly, I think. It’s a social ability, after all.

Testing something, won’t vote them yet

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Idk how it works

Since you can’t be really punished or poisoned from your good ability, maybe you should consider just being open about it.
The only risk is if it’s proven false/fake in public and you’re outed evil, but it’s statistically more likely you’re good anyway. The STs would’ve known you couldn’t strategise with your hypothetical Demon anyway.

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