FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

Ichika 16_st.ayaka.one

idk who uploaded this but this is epic thanks

How are you doing? I blinked once and the post count quadrupled

Is one me and one you?

Top tier distancing.

please stop playing mafia and go take a shower

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welcome to a mash
im busy being marked for death

Despite this, I am nowhere near eevee whenever it comes to anime. …speaking of which, where is @eevee?

It be like that

Unpossible tell me your aggressor and I will aggrese them

if this happens btw town has absolutely thrown this game

i played mafia in the shower
behold, mortals

@catbae are you the one who can call of me being dead

But why though

Ah that’s what it is, ok fine yeah I can see how that can raise suspicion if not explained properly, let me explain then.

That’s literally the only reason someone would not care as much and post less. Basically lack of motivation that is actually AI.
Lack of Motivation is the only reason Leafia would probably be “not really standing out” aka lacking in content.

So when you said this the only way I could find it AI is if they have a wolf team they would feel confident in can carry them so they don’t need to really try so much.
Like we both know Leafia stands out as both alignments so you try figuring out a way that them not standing out would be AI.
You’ll see why I arrived to the conclusion, Stacked Team (-) Leafia do less effort and not gonna stand out as much.
But basically I don’t think it’s AI personally, even if they are a wolf, but again if it is that would be why.

Yeah I pointed out a post of yours and we have been engaging like ever since?
Yeah I want to figure out Litten’s alignment and I want to see if Litten figures out I am town?

Keyword “Some” and my town flip won’t help anything and only be like “damn, why did we kill Zorvo?”

That one is actually a good point.
Yeah I just sometimes compare the two. (Litten and Achro) because they have similar solving styles IMO.
Or at the very least good at building off each other.

But I never talked about both Leafia and Achro in the same context from what I can recall?
So how can I set something up between them?

Kiiruma be real.
You think I do that as a wolf? Really?

I ain’t denying I am the type to suspect a person who suspects me, but I still try to have good reason for suspecting them despite their suspicions on me.
Leafia I think does as such similar.
If you think I have been defending Leafia and “commenting on it asap” then show me where that is because if your only referring to the former, then that’s just something you should know both me and Leafia do and it isn’t AI?

Oh ok so here it is.
Let me make this clear. You should technically know this already.

Leafia isn’t easy to read and allot of the time they get miss read as wolf. I don’t encourage that, I don’t like potential ML’s, especially those done on easy targets.

So I am gonna defend others when there is an accusation that ain’t AI.

No. Stop being bias and actually read my post.
I said the post you had made has good reason for a town to vote you, so it’s more likely a vote on you from that post comes from a Townie.
It was a post that had a ping.

so i didnt have to leave thread

Oh dear the infection has grown.


given i’ve only been reading manga for <2 years i think it’d be unhealthy to have 193 days


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Still a bruh moment though

As always i blame Quava

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It’s common sense.
Instead of doing the same technique you do in a way smaller game, double it.
Do 6 instead of 3.