FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

What does that even mean

tbh i say ā€œcape is a good wolfā€ every game and get overly paranoid of him and he turns out to be just town all along and i wanna try and curb the paranoia and work with him more

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Why would my child be willing to die and then seek the comforts and security of my family soon after?

i dont remember this of his scumgame? but its possible it changed
from memory he tries to directly appeal to the people voting him by being like ā€œi think ur town pls dont do this >_<ā€ and has obvious TMI on them, and i dont feel that here?

Hourly reminder that I love Arctic :two_hearts:

Iā€™ve already led a coven into the ground, Iā€™m not allowed to affiliate myself with your cult sorry.

creature is a little tricksy meta wise but generally i expect a bit more from him as town, the way he came in and looked at top wagons and shrugged seemed pretty solidly in the wolf meta ive seen from him in a lot of syndicate games

It means exactly what I said. I could probably go engage magnus about some of what heā€™s saying, go back and forth, get a lean in either direction, but to be honest that just seems like a lot of work for a lean in either direction right now and I think his alignment will be come obvious with more flip information with regards to what heā€™s pushing or whatever

yeah that

heā€™s a lot more paranoid as town where as scum he just constantly pushes LHF

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weā€™re almost at 5k already wowee

Yo, how goes it thread

The timing lol

hey are ur ears burning

I think reading purely off meta in this regard for a somewhat polarised player with seven votes isnā€™t entirely reasonable with a scumteam of this expected size, given that directly appealing to a few players isnā€™t majorly beneficial here. w!Kiiruma in this instance would be expected to try and act harmless and end up convincing people to vote elsewhere, which he has done in regards to Leafiaā€™s wagon.

The answer is that Kiiruma fears death. As do we all that have souls.

Spare Kiiruma.

Seekers of redemption need not fear the guillotine once within my sanctum. Let Kiiruma prove themself to me before your gruesome lynching, so that their soul may live on.


i feel like i am readin the entire work of shakespheare in Chinese with one eye closed

i take it iā€™m being suspected?

Thatā€™s what I mean. I was confused on what ita flips had to do with his alignment

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