FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

Correction: You mentioned it in P#5991.

@Zone_Q11 your tr of italy makes no sense marlā€™s passive was useless unless i am misreading it.

Last tissue will win
This sentence does not make sense
But it will later

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If Marl won, then he couldā€™ve used it for his future ITAs. It isnā€™t a ā€œwin an event; use an abilityā€, but rather a ā€œwin an event, unlock a passiveā€.

For example with Pursuit: ā€œFirst ITA shotā€ doesnā€™t have to come from ā€œtodayā€™s ITA shotā€.


Yeah but during the latest event marl was about to die. Right?

oh right i should probably say what i got huh

I didnt lol

shooting you as we speak

Only works, if he is alive.
He was already rogrammed to die at that point, so I am agreeing with Achro here.
Marlā€™s passive was useless in this case.

Unfortunately, Discourse doesnā€™t allow 3 multiquotes in one, Iā€™d imagine.

i got a one shot strongwill itā€™s not very impressive

why canā€™t i get cool toys like the other event winners

Might as well compile my reads at this point.


Cape90 ā€“ His posts are fine. Iā€™m kinda sheeping lol here.

catbae ā€“ Most blatant villager in the game. Killed Marl with the drone strike of his own accord when people were suggesting different targets to him, and Marlā€™s role was pretty good.

Chloe ā€“ I think Marl spewed her town. He awkwardly tried to interact with her early on, and she called him out on it. This read is on the weaker side, because sheā€™s a competent wolf, but I believe sheā€™s more inclined to defend her teammates than to distance with them or bus, and that interaction happened pretty early into the game. Whoever finds the interaction will likely call this read weak, but whatever.

Kiiruma ā€“ I think his posts are fine and donā€™t see the problems people have with his slot. People have said that his worlds of three are wolfy, but I feel like he can just be solving in this way as a villager.

Leafia ā€“ I think her posts are also fine, and I frankly donā€™t really understand why sheā€™s a wagon. I suppose sheā€™s a bit reserved in this game, but I still feel like sheā€™s fine.

lol ā€“ I like his reads. Thatā€™s basically it. Heā€™s either town or hard townsiding as a wolf.

Magnus ā€“ I think Magnus liking YBWā€™s post saying that Marl was town, as well as wolfcasing catbae, are both things Magnus wouldnā€™t do as mafia. I think most wolves would just cut Marl off as soon as he was targeted with the drone strike, and I also believe that most wolves wouldnā€™t try to push on catbae on day 1 instead of just nightkilling him.

Marluna ā€“ I think their post about lending their spot for a more active player is something a villager writes much more often than a wolf, and their other posts seem fine.

YoubutWorse ā€“ I believe the way she handled the impending drone strike on Marl was uninformed, making her town. This applies to a lesser extent to Hazardwaste and Silviu as well (but I havenā€™t read their ISOs yet, so I canā€™t say theyā€™re confidently town).

Zone_Q11 ā€“ My confidence on him being mafia probably means heā€™s town. Before you say that makes no sense: I know. But Iā€™ve seen this pattern many times before in my games, and Iā€™m trying to work against it.

Maybe villagers?

Litten ā€“ I tentatively think that heā€™s spewed from Marl.


Creature ā€“ Heā€™s rather polarized, and he hasnā€™t been obvious town yet, which is a bad sign.
Daeron ā€“ Weird posting around his vote on Wazza (who is a 0-poster). Not confident on this and would like more discussion.
EVO ā€“ I said I wasnā€™t interested in pushing him earlier, but I think his early posting is basically a nontown claim, and I donā€™t trust that.

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Forgot about one player.

Arctic is also town. I think weā€™re of a similar mindset in this game and I relate to several of his posts.


Ah, a classic sweet 14 players wagon

If this game has no minimum post amount, this will be my last post for today.

