FAM3: REDEMPTION - [n1] [55 alive] Secondary Sighs

well i was going to ask for a marl read in particular because i still kind of thought he was mafia but :joy_cat:

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[quote=“min, post:3060, topic:4993, full:true”]

This is not a post



Oh. Yeah.

  • Italy townread for winning the latest event; he should’ve let Marl win had he been W/W with him, since that would’ve triggered Marl’s passive. (Then Marl could’ve AtE’d more.)
  • Leafia townlock for not noticing the conditions of Marl’s passive ability.

I’m shooting Zorvo upona wolf flip tbh

At that time I didn’t know, who submitted the drone. I only knew they won that game, where they got it. (I just woke up)

And as far as I know, either of the other two could have pulled it back.


Correction: You mentioned it in P#5991.

@Zone_Q11 your tr of italy makes no sense marl’s passive was useless unless i am misreading it.

Last tissue will win
This sentence does not make sense
But it will later

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If Marl won, then he could’ve used it for his future ITAs. It isn’t a “win an event; use an ability”, but rather a “win an event, unlock a passive”.

For example with Pursuit: “First ITA shot” doesn’t have to come from “today’s ITA shot”.


Yeah but during the latest event marl was about to die. Right?

oh right i should probably say what i got huh

I didnt lol

shooting you as we speak

Only works, if he is alive.
He was already rogrammed to die at that point, so I am agreeing with Achro here.
Marl’s passive was useless in this case.

Unfortunately, Discourse doesn’t allow 3 multiquotes in one, I’d imagine.