FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

it’s heavy meta but they have been wearing their feelings about their game on their sleeve and tinfoiling the players i would expect them to as town

Going to call it a night for real now so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

my agenda is that junkrat mains should be killed and their brains dissected in a lab to understand what is wrong with them

Is anybody able to put this roughly into Splatoon terms or do I just have to estimate “inkbrush” myself

I don’t have any particularly strong wolfreads as was indicated in that post, I haven’t played in two years and I’m putting my ideas out there for people to engage with, and hopefully actually develop some stronger reads.

I’ll move my vote when I feel like moving it, it’s not like you’re going to be lynched today and I won’t be going to bed for another 6 hours at least so you’re unlikely to be my final vote for today.

This is silly

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reads so far take 1;


I see. Minebrush

You definitely can’t (and shouldn’t)

Like damn this is like level 0.5 surface level reads I’ve never played mafia before

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what splatoon character has the highest ratio of fun to usefulness

like incredibly fun but also just throwing

This is meta dependent tbh like I don’t hate junk mains in every single meta I’m just generalising / using it as a catchall. I have bigger fucking issues with mercy mains and torb/sym players and rein mains and people who won’t fucking switch off ball and genji mains and uh. this is a different game but why are sion mains like that

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people rarely vet event sign ups, hosts adapt around that by not allowing wolves to talk about events, coordinate, or throw in order to win. to reach the objective of having a mini-game that’s hopefully fun, and each player fights independently

if people started tryharding with event signups im sure hosts would adapt to that by either removing events as they’re not intended to be a strictly townsided mechanic, or allowing wolves to discuss and throw events so the scales are evened out

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Then stop playing like a level 0.5 player if you’re town? Like come on.

note to self to add to summary in the morning

What are you talking about man?

“Luxy’s vote is still on me so they must be mafia”

Do better

The more and more messages go on. Yeah it going to be difficult but I can at least try and find a way to contribute since I don’t know how to add on to reads. But it’s something. But I think I’m just going to do the live in the moment thing for this day and just read when I’m just online and see what others are chatting about. Plus cookies are cool and I want one.

VOTE: tutuu

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Like you got majority of the people that can read me that are calling me town.

You have no business voting me at this rate.

I’m pretty sure you can find something right?

All the throwing weapons as I understand them are boring but I might just be biased by hte fact that I find dying badly boring. Probably Undercover Brella warriors or something like that. Poor Brellas. I hope they stay in hell forever it’d be miserable if they were good .But poor Brellas
