FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

it’s probably easy for them to change it so that people can sign up privately, or so that sign ups have a random chance to fail, or so that there’s a limited time window before sign ups close, or whatever other mechanic they feel is necessary

just, to me, that’s not MY business. Not my job to speculate about how they might change the rules. my analysis of the actual game rules that are actually in front of me is that it is strategically optimal for town to coordinate event signups and prevent wolves signing up, and so I want to play that way until the situation changes

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ari is likely town too btw

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Like you prolly jumped on my wagon with complete fucking ease.

What happened since then? You’re struggling to find another vote out of nowhere?


There’s no getting through to you is there? It doesn’t matter where my vote is at this particular time, it’s not near EoD, it makes no difference who it is on or if I’m not voting anyone, I don’t really care where it is I’m trying to generate some sort of discussion so I can (hopefully) make better reads.

I’m not giving this anymore time because this is stupid


I feel like all of these posts are going nowhere. I don’t think you’re ever going to convince a meaningful amount of players to go along with this idea of controlling the events.
And what’s fun for you won’t necessarily be fun for other people.

My role has incredible potential to do fun silly things and I can’t promise I won’t use it to do fun silly things. Even though I’m normally a player who tries to play as best as possible mechanically.


id like to explore in this pool for a while

any thoughts hre?

what changed for you?

im doing a hearthstone arena and im being roped ama

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Ok, I’m just stating my read. It’s extremely unfun for me to throw games, so I’d rather say what I think is optimal and then try to make that happen. And I can’t trust that any of you aren’t lying, so I have to assume that everyone who says “that just doesn’t sound fun” is a wolf who just thinks this obviously will benefit town and therefore wants to dissuade town from coordinating

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why insomnnya
they were townie when i was around earlier

i think tutuu and brakuren town on vibes

dont remember reading a post by the other 4

Nobody can force you to join in, I’m just saying how it looks to me, I probably don’t have enough ITA shots to kill everyone

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i didnt feel good about the direction of my reads and i think they were bogged down in me being gay and annoyed about pressure

i decided to flip my worldview upside down

and when i did that these were the slots that id been townreading/letting slide for questionable reasons

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damn missing context sucks
now i remember why i used to threadcamp mashes :joy_cat:

with you in particular tutuu, im not sure i have any reason to call u town other than just like being happy that ur in the game

ur treatment of me has felt like TMI if anything lol, youve been one of the only ppl who has consistently called me town, which is usually a red flag if anything

and i largely agree with your townreads interestingly enough, but i suppose they feel non-descript enough where i couldnt comfortably say that theyre coming from town!you

so, why should i tr u?


has spf actually been pushed d1? [someone other than spf reply :hmmyes: ]

How is everyone feeling regarding this, does any one disagree or think people should be moved around? I’m not entirely confident in my ability to correct viberead and also I think a lot of the players here are quite skilled from MU, so I could be quite wrong.

people have kinda pushed spf yes

I’ve read crazynuto’s ISO and I feel like they’re more likely to just be a villager who doesn’t really care about how they look and is just trying to have fun?

Iirc they were one of my slankvig targets in FAM 3 so I don’t expect them to post much.

spf villa

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