FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

Why the fuck is there a 2nd thread?

What happened in the first one?

exploded :boom:

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holy mindmeld


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Yeah but he is washed and frozen


I replied to you because you talked about being on the wagon. If they talk about being on the wagon I’ll reply to them too. It’s not that deep, please chill.

threads cap at 10k on fol so we have to make a new one every 10,000 posts
this game will have like 6 or 7 threads


Common mash experience, forgetting or not realizing that someone is playing

Talk to me about SPF

Can you give me your thoughts on why she’s scum bc i feel pretty strongly the opposite but I’d like to see why you think so

Once again creature lock town

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hi ash! i’m you!

Oh you sweet summer child if you think it’s only going to be 6-7

This is the 2nd time you’ve actively been hostile to me and you expect me to just sit there and be like “yeah that’s fine”. If you were just doing it because of your reads or reasonings, that’s different, you don’t come in here having a go about it yet again against me.

Be passionate, not hostile, and I’ll enjoy interacting with you a lot more and I’ll be less hostile myself

it typically slows down after day 2 and 3

Super Likes Announcement

Previously Announced

Super Likes Post Recipient
2 #28 catbae
1 #607 ElizaThePsycho
1 #322 Zugzwang
1 #60 Sadbi
1 #1647 Dum
1 #1602 Ranta
1 #2399 SirDerpsAlot
1 #2341 spf
1 #3378 katze
1 #3800 Ashlyn
1 #4064 Leafia
1 #4188 tutuu
1 #4373 Atlas
1 #6974 Achromatic
1 #6974 Achromatic
1 #7632 catbae
1 #7821 Achromatic
1 #7816 Hippopablompoyeetus
1 #7632 catbae
1 #8135 Hazardwaste (this previously said May in error)
1 #24 catbae
1 #5039 Atlas


Super Likes Post Recipient
1 #9106 catbae
1 Thread 2 #241 dyachei
1 Thread 2 #300 Kiiruma

I didn’t read a single thing to get back here

confession time, I was not in fact going back to bed (even though I wanted to), but rather in the shower. Anyway in the middle of that I remembered the 6 votes=cop thing (dont @ me I’m tired)

I’ll give my spot on that wagon to whomever (should be generally townread). I see it’s at 6 again so whoever unvoted I probably didnt trust in the first place.

I wanna participate in eod wagons anyway so if this isnt the exec I want out