FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

Hrm… Well, okay.
So, who’s your top three suspects?

Well, stemming from the belief that I believe people should just magically know my alignment based on nothing but simply knowing, the whole “haha you should know I’m town dummy” thing doesn’t kick in when I’m not town. Because they’re right, I’m not town. If I ever manage to rand wolf I don’t like emulating this kind of behaviour purely because it feels wrong, you know, like manipulative. that’s the entire point of FM but it’s manipulative in a bad way. Like saying that if you kill me I’ll be really upset kind of manipulative when I just wouldn’t be - the kind that works once and never again

Side note:
Need… to get Derps… out of @Jane’s list…

Haven’t Derp shot Kii?

It’s less to do with realising that and realising how much of an asshole I probably look like by having my head up my ass like that and not wanting to come across like a massive dick. Which I’m not, I promise.


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Jarek seems town NYA

oh I actually did make a read on Leafia
I wrote:

Leafia - TBD - On the one hand, they don’t seem to have the fire that I’ve been told they have as wolf. Also they immediately talk about their role in 176, thread 1 which is their town meta.

That being said, their postcount is high, which is their wolf meta (I would view this as pretty strong, but this is a mash). And also Achro is pretty confident they’re a wolf.

then after thinking about it, I was like ‘yeah this is wolfy but I also want to ask May about it’, and forgot to put it in the finished reads section

finished reads section, meaning the stuff I c/ped into thread

I do apologise for being a dick to you by the way.

If you want me to read people I’ll give it a shot but this is brainrot beyond comprehension for me

mmmmm noted nya, I still don’t feel good about ur slot tho LOL

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I mean I don’t expect you to but I’m town nya

Why don’t u expect me to? Nya

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I know. Why do you think I want Derps out of Jane’s null list?

There’s still at least 35 players I have no clue on. Hopefully this won’t be my problem.

why am i being trivia blasted?
jake (obvious choice so i wont count it)
besides from that anyone who i had sus on has died via guns so i dont really have anything atm lol. i havent read back anything cause i dont really wanna iso 4 threads all at once especially with 69 people.
i have more town reads such as may, kana, Meme, Apoc.

i just dont have alot of scum reads at this point of time

Surely we can just backread Spewfia

You said nothing I took as insulting.

because how would you find me? Like, if you knew my meta accurately enough you could find me off of not giving up rn and a lot of the unfiltered posts now

but if you don’t know that, then like
the reads I’ve given so far are probably ~fakeable as wolf for me, in the amount I’ve done them (though. perhaps not with my real life time-constraints, but you can’t know that)

plus my whole d1 is just removed so like. yeah

I still felt pretty rude

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