FAM4: Thread 4 - Day 2

This probably isn’t a good idea.

Then do as much.

If Hippo is doing that, perhaps you could skim him instead?

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so ur saying anyone without meta on u never townreads u?

Idk, seems like an odd PoV for a villager to rep lol


I mean
yeah but also Icet’s play doesn’t help so :joy_cat:

I wouldn’t trust spew reads from 96% of players in this game, why you make someone who is clearly struggling to get a grasp on the gsme do it.

Leafia is a complete fountain. It’s hard to miss the majority of the things she makes.

I had just wanted to assign a task, and saw an opportunity. As you pointed out, a better one has arrived.

This is the jist of it:
It basically removes your action cap, if you had any.
(so if you couldn’t multitask before, you can after your actions become items.)

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Ok lol


Threads 1-3 have been opened to allow for quoting. DO NOT POST IN THEM. If you accidentally send a post, contact the hosts in your role PM immediately to have it deleted or moved.


Does it remove action caps such as cycle joats?

tbh i decided to read at his 14 posts on day 1 and i cant agree.

so my ability is good for people with multiple different actions.

nah not in general
when I have enough time to play properly, I’m very findable

last game (digital circus vig10er, if you want to skim) I was more able to do things, and was way out of my wolfrange
the thing is, I can fake some amount of decent posts as wolf, but it takes significantly more effort per post. So when I’m free enough to play like I did in that game (or, for something you’ve seen, Stellaris D2+) I’m extremely findable

when I’m not. idk
tbf I could show you some of the individual things I wouldn’t post here if you want

can*. ok maybe i am tired

Oh my god the there’s three threads this is even worse than I thought

how am I supposed to even

FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 2 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
19 JakeTheWolfie WindwardAway, benguinedparbecue, nutella, ElizaThePsycho, dyachei, Hallia, jail, ChaosNinjaGaming, Ari, Selkie, BradLand, Gocj, SirDerpsAlot, neil_the_eel, carbonated, Bionic, Ash, beancat, Ashlyn
7 Marluxion Frostwolf103, Daeron, katze, Ephemera, Atlas, May, JakeTheWolfie
3 Artemis Millium, bystander, Creature
2 Marluna CarrotyReaper, Brakuren
1 Frostwolf103 an_gorta_slanktai
1 Gorta Zone_Q11
1 Manny Jinrou
1 Sadbi Meuh
1 SilverKeith Sadbi
1 Hehehaha420blazing Manny
1 Kanave Kanave
1 Wazza Hehehaha420blazing
23 Not Voting Achromatic, crazynuto, Dum, Garfooled, gori, Gorta, Hazardwaste, Hippopablompoyeetus, Jarek, Kelsier, Kork, LittleLee, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, Marluxion, Memekingpizza, pandora, Porscha, Someone, Wazza, Yawn, Zugzwang, Artemis
7 Unrecognized ash4fun (for alexandra), Stick (for alexandra), Baudib1 (for alexandra), Apocryphal (for Magnus), SilverKeith (for Name), Jane (for Leafia), Ranta (for everyone)
Raw VC for the plugin

JakeTheWolfie (19): WindwardAway, benguinedparbecue, nutella, ElizaThePsycho, dyachei, Hallia, jail, ChaosNinjaGaming, Ari, Selkie, BradLand, Gocj, SirDerpsAlot, neil_the_eel, carbonated, Bionic, Ash, beancat, Ashlyn
Marluxion (7): Frostwolf103, Daeron, katze, Ephemera, Atlas, May, JakeTheWolfie
Artemis (3): Millium, bystander, Creature
alexandra (3): ash4fun, Stick, Baudib1
Marluna (2): CarrotyReaper, Brakuren
Frostwolf103 (1): an_gorta_slanktai
Gorta (1): Zone_Q11
Manny (1): Jinrou
Sadbi (1): Meuh
SilverKeith (1): Sadbi
Hehehaha420blazing (1): Manny
Kanave (1): Kanave
Wazza (1): Hehehaha420blazing
Magnus (1): Apocryphal
Name (1): SilverKeith
Leafia (1): Jane
everyone (1): Ranta

Not Voting (23): Achromatic, crazynuto, Dum, Garfooled, gori, Gorta, Hazardwaste, Hippopablompoyeetus, Jarek, Kelsier, Kork, LittleLee, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, Marluxion, Memekingpizza, pandora, Porscha, Someone, Wazza, Yawn, Zugzwang, Artemis

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.

to be clear, the thing that happens is that the amount of time I’d have to put in as wolf, to fake that stuff, becomes completely unrealistic