FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

idk if I’d kill Meuh here

It feels like they are challenging the consensus (such as wanting to shoot Dum) which feels a lot better than the players just plowing into the same names being thrown

Meuh incorrectly read me in path of radiance, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they are town here, since I had a huge.problem.wirh their posting in that game as well

Okay then, you sold me.

I am once again floating ash4fun as a possible wolf

I feel like I am completely ignored whenever I bring up that name

i mean they don’t both need to die; but shield wise id trust mechs read there regardless of alignment

neil the incorrect

no you’re right we should kiss a little

games gets longer. people get paranoid.

people they don’t know well are more likely targets than people they know well and villa read.

It is annoying, but very much natural.

I vaguely remember nothing wrong with the slot

Indulge me.

What does this mean

ok i’m going to the basement bye

Nah I have it in the back of my head

What’s towny from them tho?

Pretty sure wolves can do just the enough to look like there’s “nothing wrong” with them

remember when flyer sheiled akane in pokemash? that


The only reason I’m not hero shooting tbh is because somebody will treat it as outing and then kill me

I want to die by this ring I have

So like

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It was Musical Mash, no?

How’s that related to this

I cant recall, thats why I said vaguely

I’m locktown

(I swear I’m asleep)

had ash4fun in my poe earlier today.

removed the slot because realizing that the votecount was off by 2 felt villagery.
not clearing, but felt good for today.