FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

creature’s list is fine too at a glance.

I can shoot Gori because i feel like i’ve heard that name get mentioned a million times but he’s still fucking alive.

Ack posted in the wrong place

Actually people on the ranta wagon probably could stand to be blasted especially if gori is wolf*

I’m acting kind of in the optimal way as a wolf to look extremely suspicious while achieving nothing. Like if you were to optimise toward that I think “defend every LHF wolf but not enough to not get them shot” is the perfect behaviour to look terrible but not help your team at all

Also I have defended a ton of LHF slots that didn’t flip wolf!!! I insisted Gorta was probably a villager, Magnus Garfooled Gocj Kelsier, Brakuren before I got tilted by him, this is just my habit, I tend to read people assuming they’re good at wolfing and this leads me to flounder when games are easy

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I guess I won’t oppose the carbonated and Someone shots too much because although they seemed genuine town yesterday they both strike as slots that could’ve easily been miscleared/underestimated (like crazynuto got defended for tracking Artemis and for having a towny tone).

Oh yeah there was a tie yesterday at EoD wasn’t there? What even was that

…I see how it is. Nobody will listen to me. I am just the class clown, huh? The convenient guy who tracks ITA shots, even though nobody actually uses them.

I get it. Respect is a two-way street, and I am not respecting you all enough. I understand. It is my fault.
(…and I am not changing it. I will be your clown. Laugh at me all you want. I will follow my own heart.)
(In the end, the only one whom I can rely on is myself.)

as long as people pick between those names I think we’re fine, anything else atp is a hero shot imo

^^^^^^^^^^^ what a hoe right here look at this blatantly wrong wolf

Chat of “Banned” players.
Kork was there at D3. Probs the reason why he thought he couldn’t speak.

Maybe I need thoughts on



gori (11): Artemis, Jane, Yawn, Atlas, Someone, Hallia, bystander, an_gorta_slanktai, Ari, Lucid_Daydream
Ranta (11): Ephemera, Creature, nutella, Baudib1, neil_the_eel, Ashlyn, dyachei, Selkie, Dum, WindwardAway
Someone (6): Frostwolf103, Zone_Q11, ash4fun, SirDerpsAlot, ChaosNinjaGaming, ElizaThePsycho
Marluna (1): May
Dum (1): Meuh
Meuh (1): Millium
Achromatic (1): Jarek

Not Voting (15): carbonated, crazynuto, gori, Kork, Marluna, Memekingpizza, Ranta, Wazza, beancat, Hazardwaste, Achromatic, Kanave, BradLand, Zugzwang, Apocryphal, CarrotyReaper

Probably shooting between selkie and dum

It’s not that you’re the class clown, it’s that Hallia is our future king for a reason

this is a bad shot nya

as i have repeatedly said nya if people want me dead i will full claim to be anticlaim’d at night nya

Actually people on the ranta wagon probably could stand to be blasted especially if gori is wolf

hey @Someone could you claim

  • what your 5 conditions are
  • why you haven’t tried to force sus people to fulfill these conditions (assuming that’s reasonably possible)

You were like yesterday’s counterwagon

The other names I feel like have done very little towny things

I put him down even though I thought he was towny (for seeming lost and uninformed) because he voted Windward late in the day and that was loudly L0 wolfy enough that I thought people would, like, think others would think he was a wolf, if that makes sense. It’s the same as putting joycats as the best guild, or katze as the user hoping to rand: do I think it’s actually accurate consensus, no, but it’s the answer that I thought most people would think of, you know?

That being said I think people on him are a little >rand wolf

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…ah, so it was you? Well the gift is appreciated, but…
Unfortunately I am cursed by myself. (My role)
So uh. Not sure whether I can use the gift or not.

Idk I’m enjoying being sassy baka atm I’m probably not fit to be queen :nail_care:

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