FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

Still not that hard.

Okay fair I also like deferring to the Catbae townread I’d be a hypocrite to call you out
I’ll still have my eye on you :eye:

Wow we’re lock clear now.

town leading is easy. Just ping me whenever you dont know what to do or need advice like jane did a lot
I just dont have the energy to be leadery but my advice has apparently been good so far lol

do you have anything else that clears you owo?

like, a pelt, or a clearing interaction (not just touching a wolf with a vote/shot unless it was a really good shot owo)

Okay let’s do it then I’m down

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If it’s v/v do you think this all looks worse for Someone?

I wanted to recount everything last night but forgot

I’m gonna do that now/soon

I don’t think ur posts are bad, but I’m not sure why I shouldn’t think u are wolfy, for using ur ability super optimally, and respond with a sup par answer as to why u did.

I used my action on people I thought were wolves and I’ve been wrong, I can’t say much in regards to you and someone, but my ability still gives me literally nothing to work with

does Someone have a claim owo?


Hmm alright

Guess I’ll still trust you unless your shotlists keep flipping town

should probably claim their shot then owo

But Nutella strongly wolf read them and is now dead

I could’ve shot Brak every time but I listened to consensus and went opposite direction.

I won’t be doing this every time as town because people I don’t like get hard shielded too often and flip mafia and I’m not caring anymore.

claims to have shot (and missed) atlas

only options were that or sda, they say

BradLand has the power of friendship

Did he claim because at least I can have some info to work with in regards to my utterly Boring ability

i will lead the town nya

Yes they claimed some kind of spam vigilante