0.5^5=0.03125. Even if this were not at all hyperbolic, there’d be a 3.125% chance of Kanave guessing that randomly
Did I say ash? i meant ari.
sorry. same length and starting letter my brain is not really in the best place.
I’m gonna go through and compile everything she’s said on her role properly though
ok fair
i mean, by the sound of it, the role itself sounds 3p-ish or villagery. i’d be fuming if i had it as a wolf role lol
but we are slightly clashing mechanically
Kanave's iso across threads so I can look through it
Yeah it was real fun on there! I just fell off botcu with the whole archive stuff and never came back, plus a weird irl experience >.<
idk i like the game i just dont play it anymore
is it
sorry i just read that, i feel like i enjoy mafia less with friends who dont play mafia sometimes, its not their fault its just a game that requires specific types of people
i can see the arguement though
catbae i trust you who do i vote
probably not death, more likely they lose an ability if they stop doing it
happy pride month
wait thats still where my vote is let me move it [vote]eliza[vote]
/srs is the towns yeet important in mashes when we have itas
yeah its 10k then we split
illegal software (google slides)
im already voting you this is bullshit
FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #324 by Kanave
its fine i got htem
Captains log #1
Town hasn’t caught on to my master plan of spam too hard
…they’re kinda doing that for themselves
wdym we’re not going to perfect this entire 80 player game
carroty kinda sus
hazard i lean very slight t
neil kiiruma firinn all town
theyre also in the wolf pile
glhf town ill be back later (never)
mods how do i report someone for bullying?
by typing [vote]Katze[vote]
there should be a role thats a blackmailer tos but instead of “i am blackmailed” you have to type nya
wf thats mean [vote]Bradland[vote]
are there itas d1
All players may use In-Thread Attacks during an allotted ITA session, which will begin on day 2.
you shoulda pleading for them not to, better if you actually wanna get struck
katze gets a drone strike if we believe
im masons with them i would know
wolfy pop in tbh
you dont wanna know
Dayvig Dum @FAMHost
sadly i dont have a dayvig (that i know of)
its a suprise tool that will help me later
I believe you [vote]katze[vote]
Its in the extra gear at the end
so true, that’s why ive never improved as a player
anyone liking that hates me and is homopgobic
yeah i was voting bradland for a joke earlier then i moved my vote twice for 2 different memes because i do that KJGDAKJGH W
wdym that would be awesome, we’;d do twice as much nothing
we should instead have reverse hydras, each player gets 2 accounts
but consider
sadly personhood is NAI
guys can we all be friends instead of voting wolves
yes nd
did she roll arso
dont even attempt to backread its a mash lol
click their name and hit posts in this topic
i have important info for the thread
don’t kill kiiruma
fuck i look away for 2 minutes!
im afking the rest of the phase now :c
girl i joined this site because of dtc
also wait this is literally tmi that im a wolf [vote]wazza[vote]
its okay I’ll probably die to ITAs day 2ish after never giving anyone a reason to TR me
you give everyone a reason to SR you its different
good morning chat
are there any outed wolves i can vote
wtf this is bullshit i was told I wouldn’t have to do anything this game
I didn’t sign up to play mafia!
baaa [vote]Manny[vote]
Yeah we gotta give them time to claim a pr if they have one
me when i roll it
but the post said they had their original role did it not?
Unaligned ShapeshifterThis is not the player’s original role.
oh its literally the opposite im illiterate
they poisted <10
Im alreeady voting here
no u
we’re killing many people tomorrow dw
whats 2*5+3/1
too slow [vote]Jinrou[vote]
too slow VOTE: Jinrou
damn 1 post thats fucked up
good morning chat
I’ve got some questions for people
Specifically these people
@Marluxion @Ari @Atlas @firinn @KiirumaDid Any of you Super Like?
Do any of you have day actions in your role?
did you use one yesterday
Got it, thank you
wait wait, you have 2? did you have 2 yesterday?
Got it, thank you
This feels very likely to give wolves chances to take their partners off unscutunized
fair, procede
marl did you answer my questions
Nope neither
Got it thank you
sounds painful
posting again so i can find my iso easier
its damage based with a chance of instakill right? so like mostly damage based
i dont acutally think they’re wolf i just want them to answer my questions faster @firinn
@Zone_Q11 answer my questionsDid you use a super like yesterday
Do you have day actions (as part of your rolecard)
note to self read more
no fr i got JUMPED
hi the entire country of Italy
if I die right now then one of the people in that group might have gotten another one as their role
games easy [vote]bystander[vote]
I softed my super like already, it was post 2341 in thread 1
Yes everyone gets 1
Got it, Thank you
uhhh just send a message in your thread and say you super like it, it was in the like 5th message down from the op or smthn
Okaay I Believe that bc of their answers, one of the people in the list I gave got a role of one of the others, and that they’re likely telling the truth about their answers
havent gotten back from ari tho, if they have a day action that throws everything into quesiton
I got 2 truths and 1 lie about Ari, Marluxion, Atlas, Kiiruma, and Zone
the statements were 2/5 used a super like
one of them got another one as their role
they do not have day actions as a part of their role
idk i got here after losing to Achro’s wolfing for 2 weeks and I dont feel any less ready to play
oh well
okay that one might be the truth then
some1 tell me who to shoot
i can hold my shoot for next period if needed i have no life i can be up at 1am
I sure hope we are
no hero shooting
im trusting hazzys justdgement and leaving to go eat gl town shoot wolves pls
oh holy shit that was a lot of votes really fast
I assume shot immunity is generally considered very mafia sided then LOL
just exe em
if they’re town they just claim that
the server is dying again lol
this one
Wind with the fucking sniper wtf
he has a skill issue tbh
kiiruma leafia w/w, Jake is ITA immune
Ari did you answer my questionjs
nvm you did i just remembered
A wolf with ita immunity
wolfies in the name we really shoulda figured that one out sooner
I did basically claim a botc role tbf KJHYGASDjhgkaw
holy shit we are COOKING
we know there are no fake fips
oh i didnt read it
forum mafia
@Atlas can you put this in the summary aswell
I thought I saw it earlier but i didnt see it looking back againb
its okay, figured id give you a poke
is it ita window or is that in an hour
i assume an houyr bc i dont see people shooting lol
i will be back in less than thatish, i havent read i still trust hazzy to lead my shot akjhdAJHGW
also bc this tab is using fucking 3 GIGABYTES OF RAM WHY
You Told me to wait for this window! This is your problem now
Suffer >>>:33333333
May Lead Hazard Leading my shot
wazza lead may leading hazard lea-
Then pass it on to someone else!
did katze want to kill you ethier way
i stg if i gave my shot to someone who gave my shot to someone who gave the call of the call the call of my shot to a wolf
this thread has cooties
im self voting and ateing about how everyone hates me [vote]kanave[vote]
yall are so mean wagoning me and bringing my mood down like this
it could even be my birthday today; its not but you didn’t know that before you were mean to me
fucking disgusting
ik ive been trying to get back on hrt for like a year now
good question, I’d probably mostly just sheep katze with like, hazard and may as town, millium i’ve liked their posts but idk how much of that is just enjoying their thread presence, you and zone are obv town for how your slots have handled the summaries
not great for town, but based
no i get it thats what im doing too, im just sheeping the people who are doing that and that i think are town
like if Atlas told me that the best thing for town was for me to ITA myself i’d believe them
hi apoc are you town
holy shit
if we all agree to post less we can prevent this, 5 posts each from now on!
you underestimate my ability to gamethrow
“they doesn’t answer the question” i’m aware!
wait @Atlas you said you had 5 super likes and you used how many>
I would if my info had answered it
though i am just now realizing bc of your post that its possible each statement was refering to a single person, thoug I have no idea how to tie each statement to what person
a bad reason to not shoot beancat
wait… a BAD reason? I can think of many bad reasons to not shoot her
fam is like, 2/3rds mafia at best
remember that connects = dealt damage without killing
inb4 jakie just fucking dies
just her own or all of them
wazza is currently fuckming strapped
is this a meme
jackie is literally outed wolf
hazard are we taking the shot
itaing may for leading us on
shoot here
wolfy pop in
they’re a wolf (i dont know)
magnus is fucking dead LOL
is Artemis on the shotlist
who does?
i can shoot them?
/ITA Alexandra @FAMHost
Horray for Papercuts!
I was
I mean they were dying anyways here so fuck it i guess KLHJADkjgawd
cant imagine why
glad i reignited that i want 1% of the credit tyty
wtf my 1% :c
??? MAY?
enough to warrant more
can we split it .5%/.5%
now imagine that with activity prods daily
i can do it but i’d need to be one of the voters obv
if someones whos already voting is willing to do it they should instead
im going to bed, grats on the pelt hazzy
god morning chat
ii have no shot and havent read you get no help from me glkhf
nyay wolf
Good Morning Nya
I’ve been inflicted with the curse send help nya
@ElizaThePsycho @Hazardwaste @Atlas
Have nya of you
have a role with a visable public effect
have the flavor of a trans girl
or have changed guildsnya
is that a no to the other two nya
also i won some damage from an event who do i shoot it at nya
@katze I trust your judgement here nya
the line about trans girls specificies that they all got trans girls, and thats like half of fol that barely nya-rrows it down
even after they got alexandra killed nya?
fuck okay, i’m going to just assume you do then bc 2/3 seems unlikely nya
if i was wolf i’d absolutely have just silently shot my day item at you nya
just want that known nya
are u sure? I think ur town nya
nya nya nya meow meow mrrrpp mrrrp prew prew nya meow mrp mrp
would the two hot take winners get hte same prize nya
Hello people. I’ll be eating food for the moment and not gonna speak much for this SOD. But if someone wants to ask me anything please ping me. I’ll be on the lookout for the cookie
did you get a trans girl as your flavor nya
Did you get a trans girl as your flavour!!!
no nya
girl im like full claiming my ability i aint hiding shit nya
nya nya nya nya nya IM GOING INSANYA
I also have some bonus super likes nya
i can also just kill marl if artemis flips red nya
without using an ITA nya
Nya nya nyaEliza/Hazard/Atlas
They have a role with a public and visible effect
they all have hte flavor of a transgirl (starting)
they have changed guildsnew 2 truths 1 lies for the day nya
why am i being qouted with this nya, does it have to do with my nya curse
purr purr nya
nyaver give me this curse again I will entirely fill thread with nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
nya FUCK
(idk if a nya in a word counts, nya nya nya nya nya nya nya to be ssafee)
yes nya
nya~! mrpp meow meow
@katze permission to deal damage to brakuren nya
nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
if a super towny player wants me to shoot someone ping me i vanish now
are we allowed to claim nya?
when is ita window nya
wait katze died wtf, i was going to ask them if i shoot someone rn nya
yeah :(
unless im being nyas lit
me i do i am town
(katze did idk if they ever expalined it beyond me having a good eod1)
Why is katze still on the voting list nya
they’re literally in the vote count still nya
nya nya nya nya nya
if i ever spam nyas assume i had a thought and lost it nya
2h nya
i’m shooting someone unless someone tells me nyat to rn
erm, someone the person someone the general act of a person nya
no you’re townya nya
ya but that doesn’t mean i should speed it up bc you’re town nya
can you post it nya
no worries ntya nya
katze is dead nya
What diferentiates a read you will sheep from katze from one you dont nya
half of more than a few according to the hot takes nya nya nya
This was the text for the item i received for the hot takes event nya, that wasn’t mine i havet used it yet. nya
it causes a chunk of health damage nya
who else won the hot takes event nya
it caused 15 damage to someone nya
i still have mine i can use it whenever to prove it nya
cause thats what mine does i was another winner nya
i was “we have more than a few deepwolves” nya
ya probably, i got one of the exact 50/50s nya
should i shoot them too with mine nya?
a player said earlier top 3 got items, was that in the post or did they know it nya, let me find hte post
I am about to shoot mine to confirm i still have it, shooitng benguined unless someone i trust (@atlas) says no nya nya
i can probably say this, i dont nyaow waht the downside is if i dont nya enyaough nya
nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya
@May i was the deepwolf one nya
very meme answer nya
backstabbing is a very bb term rather than waht i’d expect from a fm main nya
Atleast I can still speak nya
I was going to go “you cropped the part where I said ‘should I out it’” bt it turns out you didn’t crop it I forgot to say that. Shold I out it
me on that nya brain
unlike most of the flips, the avatar was smaller due to all the text
would you not instaspot yourself even if it was tinya nya
like ~100% its a mash nya
fair nya
im gonna head off if, atlas pinged jane for a benguined defense if theyre still on the ita lists by the time i get back ill arrow em nya
Nope havent gotten may ethier night nya
im shooting i got no ping nya
i literally claimed this one for li ke the past hour nya
is it? nya
with hazzy not claiming I don’t know which are true nya
I don’t think they all neccesarly apply to everyone, the transgirl one specified all of their flavors but the last one just said “their guild changed” nya
its fine i still have stuff to go off of nya
should i just full claim there’s also another possible reason nya
i don’t really want to get anti’d but I think its guessable nya
my info is confusing + something else that will only make sense after i claim nya
i’m amne botc there’s more to my role i don’t know, all i know for certain rn is i pick some people and get 2 truths and a lie about them nya
yeah one sec let me grab it all + what i know nya
They used 2/5 of the superlikes they had
No one in that group got someone else who is also in the group as a flavor
their role does not have day actionsn2
They have a role with a public and visible effect
they all have hte flavor of a transgirl (starting)
they have changed guildsyesterday i guessed
“Choose Up to 5 Players. Learn 3 statements, 2 of which are true and 1 of which is false”
and got told that its correct but there’s more to it than thatNya
I also have a day ability that invovles picking one of the things i learned last night, yesterday i picked the middle one and got the agree box from dr2
yeah i just figured i’d interrogate them bc they were being weird nya, they werent part of my selection
if you have a suggestion for my amne guess today please shoot me a shot nya
i was told that “each night choose up to 5 players, learn 3 statements about them 2 of which are true and 1 of which is false” was correct but missing something, I find it very unlikely that they would say that if my ability was just inheriting that rather than that being it nya
Atlas said no yes no nya
she claimed trans thats it nya
my guess for the part im missing is that two of the statements refer to 1 person and the last refers to the whole group nya
i am botc amne i know that much, im trying to figure out what to guess today nya
its possible? nya
They used 2/5 of the superlikes they had
No one in that group got someone else who is also in the group as a flavor
their role does not have day actionsn2
They have a role with a public and visible effect
they all have hte flavor of a transgirl (starting)
they have changed guildsyesterday i guessed
“Choose Up to 5 Players. Learn 3 statements, 2 of which are true and 1 of which is false”
and got told that its correct but there’s more to it than thatNya
I also have a day ability that invovles picking one of the things i learned last night, yesterday i picked the middle one and got the agree box from dr2
nyanya @crazynuto
I can just use my day ability on one of the statements randomly and see if the same thing happens as yesterday nya
fuck itas are soon imma just do that for time reasons nya
i choose statement 1 nya
I got another DR2 Consent image with a different char nya
i shot the last one nya
both today and yesterday when i choose a statement i got sent a screenshot from danganronpa 2 of the screen for when you shoot an agree bullet at someone nya
no wtf I literally asked atlas who to shoot it at?
yeah that nya
i already shot my arrow at them nya
yeah its possible, i’ll guess that. nya
day i just tried to send it idk if i got it in time nya
I won an arrow for the hot take event that did 15 damage to benguined nya
fuck nya
nya nya nyanynanyanyanynanynanynaynanyna
Vote the benguin and keep shooting on the shot list nya
this is why we wait for results before shooting again nya
miss is not text that can normally appear+ they shot non-poe they’re outed nya
misses CANNOT happen normally nya
/ita Bionic
someone can die too nya
yeah but angels nya
fair nya
misses have to be ability based nya
potientionally! nya
may ily nya
i would say never change but maybe change a little nya
nyanynanyanynanyanyn nya nya nya nyna ynanyanny aynan ynan y nanyna yn anyaynnynnnannynannyan
kork is probably always town nya
I have never seen marl be wrong on KOrk’s alignment even when i eat shit for it nya
who tf is haha nya
May how are you wrong on literally every single flip nya
imo don’t shoot unless you’re gonna miss the rest of the ita windows nya
im saving my shot nya
is town just going to fucking sweep another fam nya
i trust marls godread on the slot nya
atleast for today nya
i’ve just been seeing if they’re maf or scum
the two options, townies aren’t real we hit every shot nya
may outed they checked if kelsier was in their scumchat gg nya
tailtiu nya
no shoe nya
i leave now gl town keep it up nya
/ita Bionic
nya@zo- oh nvm i fucked up my ITA nya
@Kanave has received a cookie!
holy shit im loaded nya
stop you’re bringing back truama nya
any(a)ways i got my amnya guess back
I guessed
day action
choose a statement learned yesterday, get a consent image if its true and a counter image if its falsenight action
2 of the statements are about a single person 1 is about the groupWas told the day guess is accurate but incomplete, and the night guess is close but wrong
nya nya nya meow mrp
here’s my previous info
FAM4: Thread 5 - Day 3 - #3042 by Kanavenya
erm they’re qouted in that post its not just a nya LOL
im literally nya cursed and post restricted nya
calling it my amnya guesses was probably a step too far nya
how am i top posting the day i have a post restriction LOL nya
not overall but like im in the top and thats rare for me and i nveer post this much nya
i also have this restrction irl nya
Its seeped into my other chats LOL nya jahgkdMNHBGCFVJAFNHGMJV
an irl friend of mine was dming me and i added nya to the end of my post by instinct nya
cause mafia hard nya
there was an outed wolf nya
i was on them at one point, self voted for the meme and never went back bc it was a super majority iirc nya
i softed it in post like 200 bc i said i would do it. nya
like wdym a wolf would soft their superlike i’d have a wolf chat lmao nya
fuck you got me gg [vote]kanyave[vote] nya
I honestly don’t even remember what post I superliked didn’t soft it tho
are you a wolf nya
cause we’re asking why a wolf would do that nya
did you actually read the post where i “softed” it nya
/gen nya
like go read the thread, we were talking about cooike thread so i said i’d give 2341 a cookie, and when i saw we had super likes i figured I could do that jkhaldkjhaw
oh also my hot take was the one about me being the best player
only 33% agreeing means we have too many MU people alive
LMAO nya
I fucking knew it
yeah just u nya
omg me too nya~
am i a child
you will not get additional info to gauge this with nya
this is like cookie thread but we get to shoot you if we want nya
that should be added to cookie thread, you should be able to just dayvig someone to ban them for 24h on like a 1w cooldown nya
are we not using it rn nya
are you trying to convince me that im in a thread, winning cookies, and this isn’t cookie thread? nya
sorry you’re like forever 15 in my mind nya
who is willing to help me answer questions about yourself tomorrow for savantlike info nya
pref someone already somewhat pubnlic nya
i learn 3 things 1 of which is false nya
hazzy refused to answer my questions today nya
thats why im asking for volunteers nya
it feels v much like noobtown to me rather than newbscum imo nya
though to continue the hedgeyness, i could def be wrong nya
hopefully we wont need that again nya kjhasdhja
i also may just pick 1 or 2 ppl to see how my ability works with a smaller count nya
probably someone who i don’t remember anything about, like ranta nya
will be back to shoot for shotlist ping me with one when itas happen nya
/ITA Gorta @FAMHost
get nya’d idiot
effective value, if something is +ev its good for town/whoever is doing it nya
oh we’re wrong nya
didn’t we shoot you nya
tailtiu nya
That One Thing You Wish You Could Do To Annoying Parents But You Can’t Because It’s Illegal And Will Likely Do More Harm Than Good But You Only Know This Because You Have A Conscience And They Clearly Fucking Don’t
That One Thing You Wish You Could Do To Annoying Parents But You Can’t Because It’s Illegal And Will Likely Do More Harm Than Good But You Only Know This Because You Have A Conscience And They Clearly Fucking Don’t
That goes fucking hard NYA
isnt this how last mash went, we shot a ton of wolves then just kinda shrugged over the finish line nya
it has enough nya
smh nya
LOL nya
only possability imo is that they got coached to make that excuse for not speaking all day nya
but also i feel like marl would town clear kork for that and thats the new metric im using to read kork now nya
+confirm i did get this, i won some cookies and likes nya
kork did you pick eliza too nya
i have strong reason to suspect the last song was hers nya
tbf i almost missed deadline just bc i wasn’t paying attention nya
Did your ability have any indicator that it’d fail if you chose wrong nya?
I find that rather odd, when I tried to make invalid choices for my role I was just told that my choice was invalid and to choose again nya
its possible your role is more of a “choose a player, they die if x” rather than “choose a player who did x” but its just kinda weird nya~
does anyone else have thoughts on that, I am an amne so maybe it makes more sense for me to get that sorta feedback nya

uhhh potientally, I’m waiting for feedback on my day action nya

wait i dont need to nya anymore LETSGO

why do you want to be in a guild?

It’s possible

@Zugzwang Okay I found out, there’s a penalty for choosing the false statement, I picked just you to see if I could narrow some info down on how it works, got one that sounded wrong and choose it. I got an image of a V-Counter from DRV3 and now have permanent +1 vote on me

okay i can’t read i have an extra vote not a vote against me lol

I already had made my choice for the previous day

I choose, what I now know is correct, today’s info based on what seemed to be false bc i’d been picking truths before

YEEAAHH, I figured that might have been the case.
(Why did you think we asked: “You sure about this name?”)
So anyhow: Yeah, I can confirm your role. Not sure why we’re avoiding the talk about it to be honest. It’s not that difficult to find “if the Mafia actually do their homework”.
fair. it is not all my role does anyway.
just a small part of one of my actions. a side-effect one might say.
Uh… Coolio.
Gartic Phone
Players: Up to 8
Chance of Death: None
Mobile-Friendly: Yes
Duration: Roughly 20 minutes
Other Notes: I’ve never played Gartic Phone with scoring before, so I’m not sure how well this event will work. By entering, you acknowledge that you understand that the winner might end up being somewhat arbitrary.
How to Play:
- We will be playing through the Gartic Phone website.
- First, everyone will submit a word.
- Normally, you can submit a full sentence. However, we are attempting to play the Scorable Version of Gartic Phone, so I need everyone to submit a word in order to make it possible in theory to guess.
- Then, you will get someone else’s word and be asked to draw it.
- Your drawing will then be passed to the next person, who must guess the word, and so on. Play continues until everyone has participated in every word-drawing chain.
- You get points for guessing the right word, and for creating a drawing that allows someone else to guess.
- A host will be participating to enable the event to run smoothly, but they will not favor any side, can’t win prizes, etc. You know the drill.
How to Join:
- Type /in in the thread and ping @FAMHost.
Reminder: You may not talk or hint about any ongoing events in any non-event chat, public or private, apart from your role PM.
I’m sorry did Jarek kill Artemis or not?
Final Day 1 Votecount
tutuu (19): Achromatic, Yawn, Stick, katze, ash4fun, Hallia, Artemis, nutella, SirDerpsAlot, spf, Baudib1, WindwardAway, beancat, Ashlyn, SilverKeith, ChaosNinjaGaming, Atlas, Kiiruma
Achromatic (12): Ari, Marluxion, tutuu, Sadbi, Meuh, Gorta, tris, dyachei, BradLand, Cape90,_slanktai, [color=gree]carbonated
WindwardAway (6): Daeron, Wazza, Apocryphal, Dum, Leafia, Jane
Manny (4): Hehehaha420blazing, CarrotyReaper, Frostwolf103, Memekingpizza
ash4fun (4): neil_the_eel, Porscha, Someone, Manny
ElizaThePsycho (2): Garfooled, Zone_Q11
spf (3): Millium, Jinrou, catbae
carbonated (2): Ash, Bionic
an_gorta_slanktai (2): Magnus, Luxy
BradLand (2): Kork, Jarek
Ash (2): benguinedparbecue, alexandra
crazynuto (2): ElizaThePsycho, May
Stick (1): Creature
Frostwolf103 (1): Ephemera
Artemis (1): Marluna
Leafia (1): Hippopablompoyeetus
gori (1): gori
Daeron (1): Amelia
Kelsier (1): Kelsier
Silviu200530 (1): Brakuren
catbae (1): pandora
Jinrou (1): KanaveNot Voting (12): Italy, JakeTheWolfie, LittleLee, Lucid_Daydream, Silviu200530, Zugzwang, Hazardwaste, bystander, Selkie, jail, Gocj, crazynuto, Ranta
wait event omg
They used 2/5 of the superlikes they had
No one in that group got someone else who is also in the group as a flavor
their role does not have day actionsn2
They have a role with a public and visible effect
they all have hte flavor of a transgirl (starting)
they have changed guildsyesterday i guessed
“Choose Up to 5 Players. Learn 3 statements, 2 of which are true and 1 of which is false”
and got told that its correct but there’s more to it than thatNya
I also have a day ability that invovles picking one of the things i learned last night, yesterday i picked the middle one and got the agree box from dr2
i was told that “each night choose up to 5 players, learn 3 statements about them 2 of which are true and 1 of which is false” was correct but missing something, I find it very unlikely that they would say that if my ability was just inheriting that rather than that being it nya
my guess for the part im missing is that two of the statements refer to 1 person and the last refers to the whole group nya
i choose statement 1 nya
I got another DR2 Consent image with a different char nya
I find that rather odd, when I tried to make invalid choices for my role I was just told that my choice was invalid and to choose again nya

@Zugzwang Okay I found out, there’s a penalty for choosing the false statement, I picked just you to see if I could narrow some info down on how it works, got one that sounded wrong and choose it. I got an image of a V-Counter from DRV3 and now have permanent +1 vote on me

okay i can’t read i have an extra vote not a vote against me lol
All role satements
This is wildly elaborate for a fakeclaim
… i kinda wanna in but i kinda wanna go back to sleep