FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

/in @famhost

All role satements

This is wildly elaborate for a fakeclaim

/in @FAMHost

ā€¦ i kinda wanna in but i kinda wanna go back to sleep

/in @FAMHost

Marl got ash4fun
Ari got Ashlyn
Atlas got beancat
Zone got ???
Kiiruma got GGhana and Margaret

@Zone_Q11 Can you confirm whether your flavour WAS or WAS NOT one of Marl/Ari/Atlas/Kiiruma/Yourself? Donā€™t claim the exact user, just whether or not itā€™s in the pool

I donā€™t even rememberā€¦ Hang on.
*checks Role PM*

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not on a boat?

donā€™t have the brainspace to draw. gl in the event.

I ainā€™t joining the event by the way.
I need to finish that update.

Event players:

  1. @dyachei
  2. @neil_the_eel
  3. @May
  4. @Hallia

if this doesnā€™t fill by 10 minutes after the event announcement Iā€™ll just run it with whoever we have and set it so that we go through each drawing-chain multiple times

ok i guess im gonna wait

you guys run lost wolves on this site?

Yeah sometimes

I need to stop being a bad at human being and start, dbeing good at being ahuman being

Famous last words.

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Iā€™ve been lying in bed this entire time. I fell aslepe by half-accident without brushing my teeth or changing into pajamas. I havenā€™t eaten or taken my medication or anything. I hav ea mafia problem

Mafia truly is an addiction :pensive:

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VOTE: kanave

i meant

VOTE: unvote