FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

Okay good to know

I only have confidence in you, but I don’t question how you do it.

My question is still, what?

Read above my replies

How the hell is Millium self-resolving

Anything you have to resolve, meh this is getting nowhere, forget it

Yes but I want to understand what u are saying, do u understand what self resolving means?

She CAN, I didnt say she is doing it now :/


Use ability to mechanically clear themselves thats not mafia motivated, to my understanding

I’m a vanilla now, I have nothing, no shots, no vest

FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 4 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
3 Someone Ashlyn, ash4fun, BradLand
3 Ari bystander, Frostwolf103, ElizaThePsycho
2 Dum Wazza, Baudib1
2 Ashlyn neil_the_eel, Hallia
2 Millium Meuh, Ari
1 Jarek SirDerpsAlot
1 SirDerpsAlot Jarek
1 neil_the_eel Creature
1 beancat Ephemera
19 Not Voting Achromatic, Apocryphal, beancat, CarrotyReaper, Dum, dyachei, gori, Hazardwaste, Kanave, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, May, Memekingpizza, Millium, Selkie, Someone, Yawn, Zone_Q11, an_gorta_slanktai
Raw VC for the plugin

Someone (3): Ashlyn, ash4fun, BradLand
Ari (3): bystander, Frostwolf103, ElizaThePsycho
Dum (2): Wazza, Baudib1
Ashlyn (2): neil_the_eel, Hallia
Millium (2): Meuh, Ari
Jarek (1): SirDerpsAlot
SirDerpsAlot (1): Jarek
neil_the_eel (1): Creature
beancat (1): Ephemera

Not Voting (19): Achromatic, Apocryphal, beancat, CarrotyReaper, Dum, dyachei, gori, Hazardwaste, Kanave, Lucid_Daydream, Marluna, May, Memekingpizza, Millium, Selkie, Someone, Yawn, Zone_Q11, an_gorta_slanktai

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.


Frost is so audacious and out there that I’m going from too wolfy to be a wolf to maybe he really is just a wolf

(Not to mention that he doesn’t really have the same vibe as prior games I’ve had with him, but I’m not as firm on that because it has been a while)



I just don’t get how I’m self resolving, if u say that, their should be a thought behind it


I will always try to remind people that too wolfy to be a wolf might just mean they’re just

a wolf.

I mean

There was no thought behind their post earlier when they voted me so IDK why you’re surprised :skull:

wolves can also be wolfy :joy_cat: