FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

Carroty is probably right

Napoleon and Vulgard, every night he can Friend a person whose posts he superliked, when he dies a randomly chosen town Friend is given a chat with him. If thereā€™s no living town Friend at the time of his death, or if the person who he gets a chat with dies, he flips properly. He was Enigmatic and could not claim this.

He only superliked me and catbae, which he claimed in post #4946 in Thread 4.



She was either Katze or Sadbuā€™s top town read or something. OTOH they both cleared Nuto.

yeah thatā€™s the vibe i got and where i really started to think frost was wolfing and not just being stubborn owo

Aw annoying

Why didnt he superlike all three days?

I sorta made this problem now but sure.

@Achromatic what do u think of.mueh tunneling me after having experienced me in Path of Radiance?

You mentioned reaction, where is that?

I would hate if those godreads from katze and Sadbi turn out to be flops

Also may i know i know i know i am being stressful but please avoid caps locking when i am trying to understand shit. I am slow

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I wish I could understand it posts a bit better so I could get a better idea of how wolfy or towny, jareks claim is

VOTE: Jarek

Hereā€™s katzeā€™s posts shielding Carroty ftr

have they given a reason for suspecting you

Because he got shot to death badly

you said, and i quote:

millium did not get the chance to react to this before you answered.

why are you answering for him?

the impression i got was you were whiteknighting.

Not till like the third ita. He still had all day

whoever else I forgot

Do we agree on those being all town?