FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

Mmn. That is fair.
I am not saying there can’t be outliers; Leafia and tutuu went up to TL1 whereas the others were either at TL(-1) or TL0.

However… if the system is applicable to 14/16 Mafia, then why not gamble on trusting the system?

I dont doubt the system is pretty good, alas I’m a stubborn fuck (Which I feel you can at least understand lol)

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Ah, yeah. I know that feeling. :smirk:

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Well, in that case I won’t stop you.
Uh… Have a nice day! :wave:

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why do people townread millum

good luck guys

i don’t think they would have picked BPV as a wolf ngl owo

Trust Level 0, shot Artemis (Town) D2, shot Ash (???) D3, has not shot yet D4.

IDK about you, but I ain’t trusting Millium. Millium is null at best.

y oh

Zone you want a cookie tn

hi guys

TBH IDC. I haven’t bothered checking out what the cookie thingy does since my role is only related to ITA.

around how many wolves left? i’ll solve the game ong

Approximately 4~5.

5 owo

its only for making guilds have an advantage lol I don’t think its super impactful and I forgot to even give a cookie N2 lol

Sorry guys I should not have walked back my read on Dum :sob:
I shouldn’t have let that kill happen I’m just getting in my own head urrrghhh

Right now I’d strongly recommend more suspicion on Ephemera

Their votes are shit
They don’t look like they’re solving
They’ve been opportunistic as fuck
Their ITAs are shit
They ignored or even defended Someone the wolf KP at every possible opportunity
Their reaction to my walking back of Dum was especially bad (i.e. kept pushing for them thinking they probably wouldn’t die then started walking it back/Stopped pushing when I said to kill them to look better off the flip)
Fits as “wolf trying to open up PoE”

Their PoE looks shit and doesn’t have Meuh in it for whatever reason

I think all of these players have things that look decent to extremely good for them (they definitely definitely all look better than Meuh) and I feel like town Ephemera would see that

I’m incredibly sorry If I’m wrong here because if I am I’m basically just insulting Ephemera :joy_cat: :joy_cookie:
(Sorry if I’m wrong ephe I see you’re in thread right now)

Also I think @Millium compares role strength and said Meuh’s role is stronger than “Someone” (the player)'s role even though Meuh claims a really weak role?

Idk I might’ve misinterpreted
I don’t think Meuh is towny though idg why they aren’t in Ephemera’s PoE

Also don’t just take my words as gospel, I’m very obviously not infallible, and if you just sheep my reads it gives wolves the opportunity to blend in by also just sheeping my wrong reads without thinking.

Also I’d never kill anyone who shot at Someone today btw.


* = still wanna reread at some point

Ashlyn (#3.6.5412 enjoy Ashlyn) (ftr I already had them as a strong townread before this when I Actually Read Their Posts™)
firinn → Zone_Q11
Hallia* (only poison healer claim so probably town and also seems like a possible superlike vig target atm)

----Probably Town----


an_gorta_slanktai* (need reread here)
neil_the_eel* sort by postcount become eel expert (I didn’t re-read any of their posts) :yellow_circle:

----Less Confident Town----

Selkie*? (need a reread there, for sure, but targets look good)

----Encourage suspicion here----



Also Zone claims Mason with someone?
Idk with who thought and idk if they wanna say

If it’s one of Meuh/Ephe then I don’t really know where to go anymore

why is this your PFP its confusing lmao

They had some towny toughts/interactions at daystart.

Jane said they had to change it to deadpost before. had to look like leafia