FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

15 damage vs 10 damage isn’t a huge difference yeah

contrary to your suggestion you are voting me and if I die now the person I marked (someone) won’t die with me because I shot them already

oh i thought it would be who you voted today


oh I totally forgot

No I just picked them because I felt like it

The blank people do you just have no opinion on?

iDK WHy I replied to you there but there you go you get this random reply that doesn’t mean anything to you

Wtf are these wagons

Wagons of all time

im conflicted about most there because I feel like everyone has SOMETHING going for them. but a lot of those are ones I’ve been told are towny but dont really have a personal read on

Make sure u don’t vote unvoteand instead type

Or click the arrowing going in a circle.nezt to the hammer in the reply box

VOTE: Lucid_Daydream

Ya I’m dumb

We’re bottlechoking this victory

Maybe you can explain it bc don’t see how people have Ashlyn clear


Who is Lucid and why is Lucid a wagon

I think the remaining wolves have an archetype pretty similar to Someone:

They will prob be sketchy rolewise or actionwise but will sound very towny because they’re putting a fight against any sus on them

Lucid hasn’t really been involved in the game, omega lhf and I was denied slaughtering them.d1-2

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Doesn’t sound like me at all time to trust me unconditionally

Yeah I also have nothing towny for them

Though they’re pretty close to rand just like Kork was