FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

Nope. I shoot six times a Day.

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Iv decided im gonna ISO leafia and find all the wolves rq



When I’m back to my computer in about an hour after a weekend of mobile I’ma check d1 too

Im making notes of all the posts I notice that relate to living players so ill post that when Im done

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Is there anyway to easily see who has died this game to write down who was a wolf?

Two tabs and a bit of pain


I didn’t realize how spoiled I was

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does jane have an ez target for me? or do i have to read

Has Ari played mashes before? Cause I fail to see why a experience mash wolf trys to kill someone outside of the shot list, because them flipping town is almost always a death wise for u

He did say Ephemera was sus, but I say we let Ephemera live for the time being.

Is it I feel like you just say oops and people forgive you instantly

Forgot me.

Oops teehee : )

Coupled with the game state we are in, where we are already killing a lot of town in itas, why not just shoot one of those town

Ya just Wisp things

ok, lock clearing

maybe a mu anni but i am not 100% nya but otherwise no nya

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Im a sucker for people complaining about others not listening to them, what can I say, but it didn’t matter since I knew he was dying anyways

I’ve not had a game on MU where I didn’t get banned or kicked off my team