FAM4: Thread 7 - Day 4

they have to guess their real ability

how does selecting 5 people lean into her guessing her own role?

How would she know, like, that the 5 players she picked had trans girl flavour, or didnā€™t have a day action, or such?

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like half the site is trans girls lmao

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She receives info about the 5 players she selects.

0.5^5=0.03125. Even if this were not at all hyperbolic, thereā€™d be a 3.125% chance of Kanave guessing that randomly

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Did I say ash? i meant ari.

sorry. same length and starting letter my brain is not really in the best place.

Iā€™m gonna go through and compile everything sheā€™s said on her role properly though


ok fair

i mean, by the sound of it, the role itself sounds 3p-ish or villagery. iā€™d be fuming if i had it as a wolf role lol

but we are slightly clashing mechanically

Kanave's iso across threads so I can look through it

YEEAAHH, I figured that might have been the case.
(Why did you think we asked: ā€œYou sure about this name?ā€)

So anyhow: Yeah, I can confirm your role. Not sure why weā€™re avoiding the talk about it to be honest. Itā€™s not that difficult to find ā€œif the Mafia actually do their homeworkā€.

fair. it is not all my role does anyway.

just a small part of one of my actions. a side-effect one might say.

Uhā€¦ Coolio. :+1:



Gartic Phone

Players: Up to 8
Chance of Death: None
Mobile-Friendly: Yes
Duration: Roughly 20 minutes
Other Notes: Iā€™ve never played Gartic Phone with scoring before, so Iā€™m not sure how well this event will work. By entering, you acknowledge that you understand that the winner might end up being somewhat arbitrary.

How to Play:

  • We will be playing through the Gartic Phone website.
  • First, everyone will submit a word.
    • Normally, you can submit a full sentence. However, we are attempting to play the Scorable Version of Gartic Phone, so I need everyone to submit a word in order to make it possible in theory to guess.
  • Then, you will get someone elseā€™s word and be asked to draw it.
  • Your drawing will then be passed to the next person, who must guess the word, and so on. Play continues until everyone has participated in every word-drawing chain.
  • You get points for guessing the right word, and for creating a drawing that allows someone else to guess.
  • A host will be participating to enable the event to run smoothly, but they will not favor any side, canā€™t win prizes, etc. You know the drill.

How to Join:

  • Type /in in the thread and ping @FAMHost.

Reminder: You may not talk or hint about any ongoing events in any non-event chat, public or private, apart from your role PM.

Iā€™m sorry did Jarek kill Artemis or not?

wait event omg

/in @FAMHost