FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

It’s the player Someone, not someone as is someone from the game.

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Ah, thank you. Appreciated

Thats why I’ve been thinking atleast one of the statments is about a specific person and some are the group but i keeping getting told that thats like, close but werong so idk what the last part of my ability is, all I know is that its 2 truths and a lie and im getting votes for finding lies

It’s hard when IDK if the super likes thing is true or not…


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ITA Window 2 has started!

  • It will end at 2024-06-12T09:00:00Z
  • To fire an ITA, ping @FAMHost with **/ITA [player]**
  • Unless otherwise specified, all players have exactly 1 ITA per day. Please do not attempt to shoot if you have used all of your shots.
  • Votecounts will be posted regularly to (hopefully) reduce site lag, but they will contain dead players until the ITA Window has ended and we can fix it.

ita2 starts now right owo?

Wait. “They used 2/5 of the Super Likes they had”… was that true of Leafia? She had 2? Does the false statement relate to somebody else?

And we know a wolf got a prize from the hot take event

… Can I ask for mass flavourclaims?

I don’t even know who has shots left or who should be shot.

will anyone be mad if i shoot meuh owo

maybe myself owo

i kinda want a claim first owo

but also i feel that claim ain’t coming owo

You can ask. I won’t give them to you, but you can ask!

Bystander is super low HP but has the tutuu role which corresponds to the Arctic one so some people didn’t want to shoot her. I kinda do now?

meuh still mia?

Meuh still MIA

@Kanave I think I know what the part you’re missing is

what changed?
didn’t you want to keep bys around based on claim?

people with shots left: @neil_the_eel @dyachei (1 more) @bystander @Ephemera @Jarek @May @Meuh @Millium @SirDerpsAlot owo

Kanave’s role