FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

Also we are officially below the playercount for my previous largest game

@orangeandblack5’s Puella Magi :star: Madoka Magica (May it rest in peace)

i forgot day actions arent open immedietely

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er I should precise the way zone finds who is town/mafia with their method essentially they count how many times a living player has interacted with dead mafia and if it’s more than 13 or 17(they reduced it later) then they deem them town because according to data between mafia barely any mafia interacted with eachother much hence they were doing this to determine it. I can safely out this because I well don’t wanna put so much effort to read every ISO to continue the reads so mafia actively trying to avoid this is well fine I guess so no issue in me outting this.

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i’m a tad confused bc she jailed u but then you got the superlikes owo

yeh i’m at my computer for another hour-ish before I have to get em so I’m around for a bit then on mobile but i’ll still be around

i got it

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I am not protection

I had access to protection last night, but there is absolutely no guarantee I would be able to do it again

sad owo

It’s easier to selectively ignore things like that so townies can bury their head in the sand a little longer and shoot blindly before they have to think about who the wolvess actually are (hottake)

idk she described it as saving me

is it jail?

Bc I got awarded the ability to give out superlikes

their sheet

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Fascinating. Do you have his full results?

ah ok

still it was a decidedly town action

Maybe superlikes bypass jail?

i like interacting with mafia as mafia xD


i also like doing this owo

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God Zone is crazy. Love him. Thank you

yeah (check the thing above it uh isn’t very good quality but I plotted between dead mafia

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So you’re saying me asking for a reason as opposed to “I just think so” at day 5 of a FM game isn’t reason enough to go “well there you go”