FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

I’m just saying. The dark lord flavour is in this game, based on the ring nonsense. Doesn’t have to be a town or a wolf.

please kill me wolves my usefulness is done

illegal maybe!

But you didn’t say untrue!

dark lord is dead and town owo

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i forgot i was gonna go shrimp today but i think my friend might have too

there is still a demon out there!

I’m going to pretend that I didn’t read that because achnowledging that would be achnowledging that I am a moron

didnt it say wind was the dark lord?

So yeah the dark lord flavour is in this game probably a neutral super scary

nope idk what your talking about totally didn’t happen

say this again but say demon instead and you look so smart! i pwomise!

I’ll think about it for all of 5 seconds

actually @apocryphal who gave you the ring again owo

im not crazy.
er. well. i kinda am. but im mostly not!


is the joke that demon is also dead town owo

idk lemme chekc

Selkie claims to have