FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

Your logic is legit just backup go brr and that’s wrong lmao

even if they were a wolf we still don’t know their backup

that is not why i’m fucking pushing them.

their day was horrendous on a day where wolves have no wim whatsoever

their claim is highly suspect

and there is mech suggesting that their role is not as they claim!

see, three easy points to digest!

please, tell me, what invalidates the case

awww u thought u were special didn’t u :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face:

who are we talking about here?

meuh owo


have they shown up today?

actually I can check myself


yes they claimed town 3p hunter owo

i think its very interesting that sda wants me to go over dya but their only explanation is “iso bad”

an unvoiced tinfoil i had a while ago was my gut was right on you at first and you could be wolfing but i don’t know how much i believe it owo

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im not even joking
the full reasoning given
its not even my full iso
just my today iso

you in fact did voice this tinfoil

i thoguht it was wolfy that you chose me

aka i thought i was too much of not special

i’m frustrated with derps because if town i cannot follow his logic whatsoever, and if wolf this is very much just doing whatever now that everyone else is dead or dying and just going for the refuge in audacity play owo

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heres my
one, singular hangup with nuking sda into oblivion

what scum sees achro/baudib1 dead and then goes “i will be as loud as possible”

the voices in my head get a little loud sometimes owo

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also i donnt think that baud specifically defends w!ashlyn here the way he did bc he did so in a way that would allow him to drop her into shats

Theyve had no wim the whole game so the logic their is wrong
Theirs so many other things to claim as a wolf in their position I don’t think claiming neutral hunter makes sense, at worst their a neutral themselves
Assuming their role is real theirs too many unknowns to be able to say how strong their role actually is so this also doesn’t really hold up