FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

I mean yeah I probably just die today because ISOing in a big game is too scary

The parts that indicate this was a joke were the parts where I referred to other social deduction games like untrusted and mindnight since I’m basically just stealing word for word the role(s) and mechanics from there

I’m confused; are you, or are you not 3p?

I actually feel like we’re gonna lose this game

make sure you protect you neil tonight or you will die tomorrow! thank you!

No I’m just having a laugh at the expense of everyone else


Isn’t this a game where roles are derivative of other stuff

Well now I’m just never doing that

tbh i think if i die exactly one thing will help but lol

Jarek has had a fullclaim for ages and he was clearly shitposting guys

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@FAMHost could I request a superlike update?

I mean I feel bad for neil I really do but threats only ever make me want to put my foot down put a pouty face on and then do something else

and I think it’s really funny to take the person who threatens me down with me


then you always die.
at that is fine too

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Mera is the only one with a superlike RN

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If I die I die I am never one to cave in to a bully

probs won’t be here for eod but i’ll assume jarek will be on me because why would i assume that a town would willingly not want to play in a +ev way on highly esteemed mafia website Fortress of Lies

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Weird wording for a supposed real claim…

so true neil_the_eel