FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

I’m gonna add three to someone, any preference

FoL players would never throw, right? right guys?

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I get so sad when this site reduces my 12 periods to only 3 dots… I’m trying to be dramatic here

Well there is one thing I’m obfuscating about my role because I’m not that honest


you can do waht you want.
I am just telling you that every action has a reaction.


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I think it’s too late?

Completely agree

You’re real for that actually

Oh. Biscuits.


Well, I guess mera is in the poe so

Well it’s nothing big it’s just a teeny tiny thing that there’s a 50% chance my vengeful doesn’t work but pretends it does and the person won’t actually die


it’s fine if you die tonight protecting me i would be dead anyways LOL

Despite everything I will protect you but not because people have asked

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Everything I am doing is to troll wolves into thinking I’m going to actually do my job and I just won’t they’re going to think I’m going to go on may or something and I’ll be like nah I’m gonna heal this guy



is it bc i said u had a cool icon

No it’s because I’m invincible today I could openwolf and say I’m going to bomb the entire town but people would let me live just because I can prove myself maybe

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