FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

And I absolutely can prove myself but I might just not do it because it’s funnier that way

what happens if we super like FAMHost’s posts? :thinking:

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Hm! So if likevig backup existing then only Mera is eligible. Very strange

It’s possible the backup was limited shot IG. Also possible the wolves used their superlikes on Achro and now Achro is super shot

I doubt anybody has actually read the story-event, but I want to say.

I wrote my story while waiting for the flips/in the first minute of day and am amused that I predicted the fish betraying us and it ending with a nya.

Just a happy day.

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as far as i know nothing clears me from being likevig backup?

im dumb

ignore me please

My actual real consideration is healing may or healing neil

this is a throne of lies bleed situation in which I am the physicain and the prince is outed, do I trust someone else to protect the prince and go on the bleed or do I say fuck that guy he’s just a shitty princess claim heal the prince 4ever

If this were really throne of lies I’d say fuck both of them and heal someone I like

the backup might be able to switch backup roles and is picking the normal vig tonight. stronger anyway.

i wish throne of lies was popular :/

Wow… you all must really suck…nya

that would be insanely bullshit strong imo

whats throne of lies

the game that started forum of lies, the precursor to fortress of lies. its a social deduction game on steam

have seen it before. it is really strong, but as long as it can only ever bckup 1 role it just never will be stronger than 1 vig.

If there’s 2 wolves remaining, then there were probably 4 wolf superlikes in play at SoD.

  • Achro’s (wasted on death)
  • Boob1’s (Achro or wasted on death)
  • ???1 (Achro)
  • ???2 (Achro or idled)

Either the last wolf idled, boob1 didn’t use his superlike before he died, or the last wolf doesn’t have a superlike


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Alright neil I’ve come up with a trivia question that you will answer for me to determine if I will heal you

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