FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)


your pfp sucks and you suck

town fake poisoner is the pinnacle of mafia design i say that a lot

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Search method used to ace Whoā€™s That User (copied from my rolecard, not particularly user-friendly):

  • Download and extract FoL Archive zip from github (~3GB download, ~9GB extract)
  • Identify text to find which is unaltered.
    (Alterations include: having newlines or an apostrophe anywhere)
  • Using command window, run:
    findstr /spin /c:"text to find" "c:\...\FoL-Archive-main\t\*.html"
    (command shamelessly taken from the internet)

True - I think death events need to be impossible to metagame and not do with player choices about other players. I like the lifeboat thing as an event but as a death event not so much cuz it just means lowest poe guy dies.

This FAM was just as good as the previous ones. @FAMHost You guys did a wonderful job! ^_^


Only thing I didnā€™t like tbh was how ITAs worked. I didnā€™t like how a ā€œMissā€ = insta death (even though it wasnā€™t always a red check)

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Please go easy on hallia she sussed me but I messed with her head. Which felt like shit BTW

Iā€™d love to see people look at all the things she did right instead




Itā€™s an anni gameā€¦


oh by the way: congraculations.

Hallia was fine, people are wrongqll the time it happens


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ggs, thank you v much to the hosts!

all feedback stuff I had to say has already been said

sorry to all the people i failed by not paying a lot of attention to this game

wishin yā€™all plenty best and happy mafiaā€™ing!

i was literally actively trying to get myself killed for multiple days AND THEN WHEN I FINALLY DIED IT WAS BECAUSE I STOPPED THREADCAMPING

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i think as a rule we should probably stop repping godreads because thats just inviting someone to go out of their way to prove it wrong

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She didnā€™t rep a god read on me as far as I saw

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Ur death was a travesty and so was pizza, but pizza dying was my fault for being a terrible code master in codenames lol

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