FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

Oh and you shot Millium who caught literally 2 wolves

Look I was having a little bit of a time of it

Not sure about the self-vote in particular but I remember you kinda just giving up at some point in the game but I can’t really blame you cause existing in that thread was exhausting

Excuse me, I was just hunting people who looked wolfy:3

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i will never defend you again.

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I left DVc cuz Arete spoiled Baubib’s role

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oh lmao

</3 I was town in my heart

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ngl i was expecting the white name to have been THIS USER HAS BEEN BANNED

overall a great game.

i am amused that we killed a lot of fol based wolves first while people yelled that there are wolves in the mu people.
and then turned around and killed those to finish the game off.
Well played by the village overall.

well done and thanks go to @FAMHost whoever you may be!



Good night and thank you hosts


You were fine

I was fucking FUMING when i came back into thread


I’m glad dya waited to concede just so we could get the insomnia misyeet finale


was my full role ever posted?

I think being an MUer automatically makes you twice as scummy and we should lim MUers first always

They should’ve conceded 1 hour later :pensive:

I had:
Night Action
Choose up to 5 players. Learn 2 True statements and 1 False statement ??? group ??? someone specific in the group. ???.

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