FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)

I appreciate that

Taking a game like this seriously for me is a recipe to get stressed out and burnt out, like 80+ people is just crazy


I canā€™t see any text channels

yeah I got sidetracked by thinking there was more to it rather than me just being slightly wrong kahjsdkhjas

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also the ā€œday ability loses inactiveā€ makes a lot of sense and I should have gotten that after seeing my day ability

that it had ā€œit gains inactiveā€

what was town kp and wolf kp calculated as with/without itas?

Should be fixed now

editing perms on mobile is annoying


hey! I didnā€™t assume this. I assumed there was a mafia charge stealer that Iā€™d simply forgotten about, and never checked.



without ITAs it was 5.2 KP/c per faction including the elimination/factional.

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There was also a second error with my D1 feedback which you corrected, meaning you looked at the statement that I had no charges left, and were like ā€œsure, checks outā€!


I was the primary person processing actions this game, and I made a few fuck-ups, which Iā€™m really sorry about. I noticed/fixed most of them nearly immediately, but there were a couple that I missed for too long, so for transparency I want to let you guys know about them:

  • On Night 1, May used his three multitaskable actions, which he had to meet a threshold of Charges to be able to use. I completely misunderstood how his role worked, and must not have read it in as much detail as I should have when I was reviewing things, because I thought he would consume a Charge upon using an ability. Because of this, after he used all three abilities, I told him he no longer had any Charges. This basically made him vanilla.

  • On Night 3, Ephemera used their ability to give Zone the Folded tag. I mistakenly thought this tag was hidden, and I failed to inform Zone about his Folded status until very close to EoD4.

Iā€™m sorry if my mistakes made the game less fun for any of you. I think itā€™s possible that these mistakes may have altered the course of the game, but Iā€™m not sure if they would change the outcome. Regardless, I promise to do better in the future and Iā€™m really really sorry to those of you that these affected. (especially @May and @Ephemera).


why are you apologizing for minor mistakes lmfao

I was vanillaised the entire game.


sounds like a skill issue


Are you, like, allergic to ever admitting you were wrong?


Some people had less fun because of it and I feel very bad about that

I cant really do anything to make it up now, but I do want them to know Iā€™m sorry


Thatā€™s called ā€œtaking accountabilityā€ which people do.


Taking accountability = changing your actions

Saying ā€œSorryā€ on the internet doesnā€™t mean anything, especially when itā€™s not something that is that big of a deal (imo)

Dude I didnā€™t get a role

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