FAM4: Thread 8 - Days 5&6 (TOWN IS VICTORIOUS)


you played good, i knew you had decent range but based on your posts day 1 i don’t think i’d have figured you out. i probably would have been more skeptical on later days but i wasn’t alive then and i said people shouldn’t put too much weight on my reads /shrug

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Thank youuuu

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oh one thing I did see was my flip

gj @FAMHost y’all actually made me smile, knocked it out of the park


yay ggs

i had a nice time playing in the brief time i was alive


can we keep may yellow


Disagreeing isn’t being upset but ok

I was aggravating this game so my bad and this is a learning lesson

I disagree that u were aggravating the game, but I won’t deny u can be a bit tunnely which isn’t necessarily a bad thinf

Hallia you did great. Your gut was mostly correct on people

I learned how to wolf in a mash and now I know how to town in a mash. Well my reads were bad but still

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I know how to play a mash, like, functionally. This is my second mash as town :$

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Wrong face but whatever

spitting absolute cash rn

it was nice being town with you again

sorry about the tunnel

i’d say i’ll learn to do better next time but i know that’ll never happen lmao

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gg nerds


@Ash Thank you especially our chat was great and I appreciated having somebody else to talk to a lot

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We’re so smart :clown_face:


tbf baudib wasn’t the backup

I said backup specifically because he bussed too much to not be KP, if I knew the anticlaim KP was actually just an infinite shot vig I would’ve said he was that


(:nerd_face: technically he wasnt anti claim kp since the anticlaim was a faction ability that enhanced the factional kill only, he was just a vig whose flip revealed how the anti claim works to town :nerd_face: )

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Right, but it was the KP I had marked in my spreadsheet as anticlaim. There was a line in each day that said “anticlaim”. That KP. I was under the impression that it was not tied to a player and thus there was no every night wolf KP left. But there was (in the place I had marked “anticlaim”)