Fantasy of the Damned - Ended

Trochi fox my boredom plz

there’s gotta be something we can do rp wise

oh my god what if bell adopts a pet rock


despite this thread being completely and totally OOC i can still perform biblical storytelling
the bible is rather boring though

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god just failrps at every corner
“the grounds tell me you killed abel” what the fuck do you mean???

I don’t have proper tools or thumbs for that

luckily i do
let’s commit war crimes

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listen bell just wanted to adopt a pet rock
he’s too busy to do war crimes when he’s gonna be taking care of rocks
now, if said adopted rock was in danger, then he might consider doing war crimes against said person who put his pet into danger


also noah’s ark was made of gopher wood and completely coated in pitch

what about a pet dragon
hes made of clay tho

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good for noah

will bell cry if the dragon breaks

he also built a boat capable of holding 2 of every animal in a week and lived to 600 years of age

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so Noah is responsible for every disease on earth

he would be responsible for me existing so yes

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the dragon will cry too
but if the dragon ever cries his soul is extinguished

pet rock sounds less physically demanding for bell
and if the rock ever goes missing someone can replace the rook easily
so bell doesn’t feel bad

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all the bible passages are hilariously short in critical moments and pages long in pointless ones

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the tower of babel can be summed up as
“let’s build a really big tower to heaven”
"look at this shit you give them all the same language and leave it unpaused and they start doing this"
and then they destroyed language

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