Fantasy of the Damned - Ended

humans working together is a crime punishable by death


can it have googly eyes



what’s a burger

are you guys there

I like how op is pretending most of the people didn’t even die lmao
I approve

We can’t be friends anymore

Even thought american fries are probably very different than the european/romanian ones

Good to see that I’m not the pnly one here who has a habit of chewing on nonfood items.


Nibbles on rubber Yum.

Nibble on ice please at least it’s smooth and not dangerous :sob:

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Would any of you call me relatively sane?

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You are a very wonderful friend :people_hugging:

That’s not an answer to my question. Silviu.


Nobody on FoL is sane

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Hence the term “relatively”.

Depends on your definition of sane :thinking:

Hence why I phrased it as such.