[FEEDBACK] More transparent moderation

That’s true enough.

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maybe not you, but me and orange?


for once

we agree on something


They litterally do this on Mafia Universe, A MORE COMPETITIVE MAFIA SITE

This is a poor excuse

I’m looking into a response to this question

sorry, but I think this is the main part that they’re concerned over

you’re correct that if the sole reasoning is that it may cause integrity in games, it can be worked around. however, the other parts is something this community in particular, i think, wants to avoid, especially with regards of some people believing they may have “power” over the others because “the moderators are on my side.”


Other ppl doing it doesnt mean they are right


And like I unironically dont see how it matters if X was punished or if Y was warned or anything. Its like not the business of external parties.

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We aren’t MU tbh.
While we do try to run FoL as a professional site, at the end of the day we’re just a big group of buds goofing off and playing a silly game. We aren’t anywhere near as large as MU and we have different moderation policies as a result. Giving that sort of report feedback might work for them as a forum with a giant userbase, and they may prioritize transparency over there (or may have other reasons entirely for it), but over here we prioritize making people feel comfortable/welcome and avoiding unnecessary drama. Acknowledging that a report was seen accomplishes the same thing as giving that transparent feedback, but without any of the possible drama that comes attached with the latter. Our moderation system isn’t as transparent as some other sites, yeah - it’s built on a lot of trust that we’ll do our job and make sure people are following the rules, but I promise you that we do.


Also, back on the topic of the public modlog, I kinda like the idea of only having current bans on there tbh. It’s something the modteam needs to talk about, but I want y’all to know that we aren’t just ignoring that suggestion


If I get banned I would like to be publicly shamed


i have the power of katze and anime on my side


I don’t get the competitive argument. MU is more competitive, and is also times bigger than FoL. FoL adopting the MU moderation system won’t make FoL more competitive. Competition doesn’t stem from moderation. A competitive site having a certain moderation policy doesn’t mean it’s the best choice for a smaller less competitive site just because the first one is bigger. It could be, but not for the sole reason of bigger = everyone should mimic this. That sounds like appeal to authority or something


The MU argument is a rebuttal to the “Game Integrity Argument”.

People keep responding in paragraphs and the answer is a single sentence ;(

Poor excuse

Yet you acknowledge that some people want to play competitively

Uhmm? Are you forgetting who you are talking to? Because I can pretty easily disprove this point.

I’ve already shown that it doesn’t

Trust that I have lost due to bad moderation.

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brakuren the mistake youre making is assuming all communities are based on the same base template people. “competitive” or not different communuties act differently. in fact using out of game information like report info is just as much am an issue as it is in competitive circles. if you aren’t taking things seriously you might not be inclined to ignore out of game information

If you want MU, there’s MU. We are a seperate group of people who require different rules. It’s as simple as that


i think there’s a point where transparency reaches diminishing returns, tbh. really i think the only thing MU does more “transparently” than us is being more likely to respond “action was taken, ty” and part of why we dont do that is, like chloe said, its common when we do take action it’s in the midst of a game.

most of the “action was taken” PMs ive gotten on MU were weeks/probably longer after the report so im not sure if they just get to it later or dont say action was taken until the relevant games are finished?

but personally i don’t really care about those PMs anyway so i guess i intrinsically trust moderators to see the reports and do their thing. if anything i find it a bit more frustrating for the time after the report when someone who i think is pretty blatantly breaking rules has nothing happen to them.

i can personally say we look at every single flagged post and i’d like to think we do so pretty fast, although ofc some things do end up being delayed because of ongoing games at the time.

but like… do you really benefit from being told every single time we take minor action? this is a genuine question ftr

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You are misunderstanding.

My MU point is a rebuttal towards the “Game Integrity” argument.

Because the fact that such a system is in place on MU proves that it does not compromise game integrity

Your rebuttal is wrong because that proves nothing

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