Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

I’ve been caught up for a while now.

Hey this is a way better explained version of my thought earlier

But like… why?

I think I know your role now

Hey my shtick is not back reading or reading ISOs and spending all game reading based on memory

That we killed a woof.

Last time someone said this to me they were scum.

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But Memes I’ve been repeatedly told by people that killing PR doesn’t matter and you should just shoot in the dark at random as a valid NK strategy

Is this a pocket.gif

Killing PRs is important but so is both keeping villagers in the PoE alive as well as killing strong town voices.


I. Literally. Hate. Mech.

That’s cool but he also literally spent most of the day asking for people to vote you so…

By making this argument you do the opposite of what your trying to do

all of d2
doing nothing but mech

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The next 400 posts were in fact not this.

Thank you Zorvo. Still voting you though.

That would be the smart play and indeed it would work until I reevaluated why they didn’t die over the next few days and in fact why they didn’t die and other NKs were going through repeatedly.

A reevaluation of the slot would happen. It would be obvious. But this play would take pressure off for a while.

Similarly bussing a wolf partner generally makes me look elsewhere for a while until I reeval.

I meant I will…

In order

Kill PR
Kill strong voices
Worry about the PoE

Its easy to convince town to vote wrong with no info. It’s much harder to convince town to vote wrong when they have a cop with a red check even if that cop was PoE

If you literally believe this your blind.