Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

I think the big arguments they’ve had in general are wolfy because it turned into a “you’re evil!” “No, YOU’RE evil!” and absorbed the attention of the people who were involved, thus allowing other wolves (like those quiet people) to slip under the radar by distracting vocal townies with arguments. I’ll see if I can quote things I didn’t like in a sec.

I don’t really see it?
Can you explain?

uh huh

Because I’m an obvious villager.

No it isn’t. You saw how he leaped on me and even clained vig D2.

this is pretty generic

“you die and kill someone”

Stop making me feel bad for you. You said this exact same thing in Valo Wolf than found wolf Zorvo. I believe you can do it again.

idk if this is any help but

SK/Zorvo not w/w
Jarek/Neon not w/w
Neon/Atlas not w/w
Memes/Jarek not w/w
Leafia/Memes not w/w
SK/Atlas not w/w

This is not a power wolf.

think Neon thinking Memes is towny is kind of towny

I disagree. Flash voting is a useful tool. And I always do it as town. In fact I do it more as town than scum.



I’m misreading someone as town


oof maybe it’s Atlas

@Atlas come back
I’m wavering

Flashvoting in lylo loses games. Now gtg for half an hour to an hour. :sleepingleafeon:

It just feels like these aren’t even couterarguments just “no you’re scum!” and that’s it.

I don’t even think the argument was about killing a town it was the way you acted afterwards. this completely missed the point and made a straw-man argument.

Another example of what I believe to be Neon using the lol death to their advantage to push Atlas. Lol scumread both of us D1 - so clearly because lol died we had to have been covering that up. Because Me & Atlas are the most important wolves in the game and everyone else who happened to have been scum-read as a wolf D1 doesn’t matter. It’s a bad faith argument that assumes too many things and I can only assume it is that way because a wolf is making it to push the narrative they want.

There’s probably more. But that’s just a few examples. This behaviour is wolfy in my opinion.

Haven’t read anything. Will not explain anything. Have to go into the horrible hell pit of “my college’s Website” for the next few hours, so probably won’t be super around. This is mafia gaming. VOTE: Leafia

my vote didn’t register for some reason
VOTE: Jaiden