Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

Just the fact that I’m at least townleaning everyone else and it’s 3 A.M. for me and I’m very tired right now. You seriously expect me to do all that? Besides, that’s not how I play regardless of alignment. Now I’m off to try and get some sleep again. Good night. :sleepingleafeon:

I got access to my office desktop today and tomorrow, boys! Playing on Desktop and mobile is day and night! Get ready!

Look at how Phraze was in Kaguya. She was barely there in that game too as town.

I mean you threw a whole list with detailed placements so how do I know you are not just making shit up, but do not worry, sleep, I can wait, I got nothing but free time.

I’ve been wrong before

But also I’ve never hard TRd you I don’t think. I’ve TRd you but never firmly iirc

Either way I’ve explained my process

I think about everything to much. Kinda my specialty.

Maybe not hatd townread, but I was pretty high up I think. You don’t just go from that to lockscumming someone as a villager.

No matter what I say about it, you’re just going to claim that I’m making up my reads, ignoring how I have been forming reads the entire game and voicing my own opinions. I don’t do that as a wolf which you’d know if you knew me better which is why I think you’ll ultimately fail to get me misexed. You really should’ve killed Zorvo I think.

You haven’t explained a thing.

Magnus was killed because he claimed PR investigative and it was easy to kill him after we chopped the doctor.
His death is not about his protection on you, wolves never decide kills based on defenses but optimal kills. Magnus was an optimal kill.

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Also, if we get into Lylo, I demand to have the first vote.

Leafia. Arrives posts entire reads list shades me says I’m lock scum. Leaves.

Leafia TRd me until I SRd them.

Leafia liked 90% of my posts until I SRd them

Leafia defended me repeatedly against repeated pressure until I SRd them

Is this a pocket attempt gone wrong?

No idea.

However what I do know is that I don’t like the last 30 posts.

I have repeatedly noted that my reads only matter for that day.


If i had the power to kill him I would have long ago.

Unless you are locked in like SK but I even fucked that up this game… like everything else

Don’t pretend that you know how the wolves think. Not everyone plays that way and I never would’ve killed Magnus. Because if I was a wolf, killing him wouldn’t be optimal for me.

I do all the time actually. It’s why I win games.

Progression is ass.

But also…I don’t lock scum you and never have.

And I’m kinda getting sick of all the disingenuous info around my slot this game.

I think your scum right now. You can change my mind.

Better snap vote than

I know how the wolves think because I rarely lose as a wolf, I’m one of the best wolves in the entire globe (I have receipts to prove it). And perhaps you wouldn’t have killed him as a wolf but your teammates would have overruled you because it is the optimal play.

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