Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

Lemon claimed PR too and still lives, what do you think about that?

It makes far more sense than both of you being villagers and pushing me like this. It’s filled with agenda.

It’s the only reason she isn’t higher in my reads. Now to explain said reads on my next post.

Town doesnt lose because it lacks common sense

Town loses because everyone wants to be a hero and nobody wants to work together.

Town loses because they are paranoid that everyone else is a wolf and they never trust each other.

Its why I trust my Town locks forever. Sure if I’m wrong I get fucked over by a woof and we lose. But if I’m right I can bounce ideas off them they can bounce ideas off me and we can work together to win games.

Town loses because they refuse to believe in anyone but themself.

3 years and this is how you think wolves behave. Two wolves ganging up on (as you claim) an LHF?

Do you know how two wolves act around an LHF? They play bad cop/good cop. One of them pushes it and the other defends it. That is how wolves play, so one of them look good from your flip.

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think of it this way leafia
magnus said they could softclear memes based on their ability
i also think magnus was one of the only people in thread relatively townread
this is why magnus was likely killed
lol flipped alignment cop, any and all investigative claims are to be treated as extremely high priority

Not everything is agenda sometimes you just look woofy. Look inward. Explain why.

believe in people to an extent
solely locking someone is generally bad
never trusting anyone is equally

Than I’m bad. I hard pick every game.

It works… until recently

a certain level is trust is needed
but i generally disagree with your strategy, even if its somewhat beneficial

I have a hard time with this. I’m scared of being duped but you are right, no matter what, someone will dupe you.

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i think there’s more important things to discuss anyway

i think leafia’s nullscum
she could be evil but she has a behaviour shockingly similar to that of zorvo’s, and it’s not like i’ve never been stuck in an opinion
i want to hear more from jaiden seeming people are considering forming a wagon, and she’s done nothing particularly ai in two days

But you didn’t, because you thought I was choppable. Tough luck kid.

i think lemon pinged them that i wanted to discuss with them
and they’ve somewhat seen thread, just not provided much

Did you address Magnus suspecting you both as partners? I need to find that

leafia or jaiden?
i was mentioning both

That doesn’t make it sound any smarter.


Leafia: Obvious reasons.

Zorvo: I know Zorvo very well and when he’s scum, he’s never this tunnely and stuff. I’ve only ever seen him like he’s been this game as a villager.


Jarek: I liwkey believe his vengeful claim and the way he’s been acting D3 has been pretty villagery. I think he could be onto something about Neon too.

SK: Her D2 was very villagery I think and Neon locktowning her has me thinking it’s TMI that SK is town now.


Lemonfairy: Mostly gut to be honest. She doesn’t feel like a wolf at least but this slot still being alive does make me nervous. Her reads sound genuine though

Phraze: She feels exactly like she did in Kaguya. Only been in one other game with her though that I remember but gut is still leaning town.


Atlas: No real idea what to think of this slot.

Jaiden: Same here but lower than Atlas in terms of how I feel about her.




May: Mostly due to the stuff Zorvo pointed out as he made a pretty good case on May being a wolf. Not entirely sure he’s right though but I’m hopeful.


Neon: The way she suddenly voted me and called me scum after Memes’s case on me felt extremely opportunistic to me and the way Jarek is interacting with her tells me there must be a wolf between the two of them.

Memes: Claimed that his wim was gone but when I tried helping him get it back, he quickly turned on me for no reason and started the Leafia wagon and it felt very agendafilled and opportunistic for me.

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i think it was jaiden but i could be wrong