Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

D1 vote count is all over the place so the Hail wagon which was a CFD could have easily been pure if the wolves were okay with literally all of the wagons and didn’t feel the need to lead the town astray, because we were doing it ourselves.

Magnus was a 5-vote wagon, then Zorvo was a 6 vote wagon, then it was Zorvo/Okazo with 3 each with silly being a 2-vote, then hail, who died. Magnus was town, Zorvo could be town, Okazo was town. Unless Zorvo is a wolf, we were never wagonning a wolf.

mostly from SOD
particularly her townreading Memes and asking if other people saw the same thing

I TR Memes for SOD too and don’t see why scum would TR that and not push Memes for lying about being vig

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Silly did you post your top 3 TRs and top 3 SRs yet?
I don’t think you have

could you do that pls?

yeah probably

oh wow I thought EOD was today
I was like: why is no one here?

Good Point.

This and


It’s confirmed 2 dead Town voted.
1 for Magnus and 1 for Me.

Probably a wolf on there and May is the wolf that was on me.

I think probably maybe 1 wolf on Magnus and 2 on me.

a word i made up because it sounded like it should be one

@Jaiden i was gone when you replied to me
can you write down reads or ping me when you get back

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Welcome to wallpost city, everyone.

Immediately correctly townreads O kazo, but leaves room for a vote later. I don’t know what to think of the Jaiden comment, honestly, but it sure is something.

Leafia did the exact same sort of joke with the exact same tone at the start of the Morbtainado game. This is probably broadly NAI, but it does stand out to me as someone already scumreading her.

This is the start of a pattern of Leafia being very agreeable and wishy-washy all game, while still not fully committing to too many opinions, other than townreading Magnus, who was 1. obvtowning so much that even I could see it (and I’m extremely paranoid) and 2. not super opinionated themselves other than townreading Leafia - having that mutual trust is honestly part of what set me toward that initial weird TR of her, one that I now believe was wrong. Her other strong opinion was townreading Zorvo, someone who was making a mess of thread (sorry Zorvo) no matter his alignment - encouraging town to trust and believe him wholeheartedly is a net negative, if only because adopting his tunnel means a lack of discussion and competing wagons to work with.

Both of these feel like V/W interaction to me, especially with the knowledge that O kazo is town. Leafia encouraged a lot of discussion and opinions without raising them herself, and almost all of the things she pushed appear to be just… unproductive or wrong. Encouraging an O kazo vote, connecting Zorvo and O kazo, encouraging everyone to listen to Zorvo and vote SK, that kind of thing.

This feels like a show of reluctance to trust Zorvo while still knowing that she’d eventually push Zorvo as right.

Fake fake fake fake. I didn’t notice at the time, but 4v11 is like, extremely unbalanced by the raw numbers, so much so that people were arguing in the signup thread about it - if Leafia legitimately forgot that the number of wolves was announced, there would be no reason for her to assume 3-4 wolves UNLESS she were a very strong TPR. Slip. I didn’t notice it at the time because I had also forgotten that the number of wolves was announced ahead of time.

Note that the gut townleans here are O kazo, Jaiden, Atlas, which has my rule of 3 senses going off.

I’m trying to figure out if my Leafia/SK wolf world is accurate - that’d make Leafia/Atlas/SK/Someone? Neon equity is going down (like someone just did as I was writing this post). I don’t think that last person would be Lemon, Zorvo, or Jarek, either… that would leave Memes, Phraze, Jaiden? I’m not sure. Probably at least one wolf in that list, though, and starting off with SK low in the list and then moving it up is W/W to me.

Yeah, this also reads W/W to me.

Only reaction to it being revealed that Sillykitty is an alt of Min, which feels measured - feels like ignoring discussion of your scumbuddy because you don’t want to betray that you had that information already.

Mmmm weird interaction here

Claims VT after estimating 3-4 wolves in a 15 player game. Excellent. Great. BTW in an all-vanilla game 3-4 wolves means a 25-12% (respectively) base chance for town to win and this game was not advertised as having a ton of power roles (to my knowledge, I just joined because Silv asked lmao). The only Leafia town world I can see is this being a fake VT claim - and let me know if she’s since claimed a PR, I have missed every single PR claim in the game. My eyes just glaze over them. I only knew about Lemon’s because of people talking about it extensively, and I noticed Magnus’s this morning, again thanks to people talking about it.

I’m gonna hit enter on this because I’ve been typing for too long, but I’m not done with Poasting yet. I do have to go to class soon, so the Next Part will probably take a while.

I do get information from the votes and people’s behavior around them. I just hadn’t extensively explained why I came to the conclusion of Leafia being scum (with Atlas and now SK) at the time. O kazo’s flip contextualizes Leafia’s early behavior and the wagons at EoD.

I don’t need to publicly explain every single thought I have as I have them. When I do that, it looks a little like I was yesterday. Paranoia, bullshit metaphors, extreme inconsistency. O kazo’s wagon and flip was extremely useful for me - my regret on that wagon is specifically that I should have figured out O kazo was town by the end of it and preflipped him rather than letting his exe go through.

Memes Auto-Analysis Part 1
A guide through Memes thought process.

Sees someone playing a gimmick, throws a direct accusation to break RvS and see reactions.

@sillykitty2366 asked “why?” Memes thought it was unnatural to ask since the answer to the question was really obvious as O.Kazo was playing like a newbie exposed to mafia the first time ever and it is quite unrealistic that someone new not to find out the basics of Mafia before signing up to play. Memes thought the question was made to fake confusion.

@Lemonfairy also asked why, which Memes thought after seeing his original reaction to silly’s “why”, indicated to post it anyway out of pettiness. Why does Lemon need to be petty at this point???

Turns out Memes was right, not too many credits gained as it is easy for a wolf who knows O.Kazo to be town to make such statement however.

@Memes now looking in retrospect, whom of those three could be scum?
Answer: I don’t know yet but I believe all three are not scum, I’d treat it as a difference check, as usually, one wolf piles with two other townies to hide behind them, I’ve seen it many times.

@Lemonfairy asked “aren’t I on kazo too?”, which Memes answered “Australia”. Kind of confusing answer but knowing Memes, I could bet that was his way of saying “make dumb questions, get dumb answers”.

Later on @Zorvo asked not to vote for the new guy, to which @Neon replied "You mean the new person who faked a persona until called out on it than dropped the act and disappeared?

Nah I’m happy here."

Memes replied to her

Which Memes thought it was a level zero answer because Mafia does lie, but they are not obvious about their lies, Mafia are aware that lies make them look bad and they make big efforts to look good, they disguise their lies!

The second paragraph came as a defensive mechanism, sort of “let’s throw at your face a push from another game to make you look bad for questioning me”

Neon doubles down on her push on O.Kazo for something that is completely NAI. How does she scum read O.Kazo for roleplaying in a mafia game? For roleplaying!
I’d understood if she said that maybe O.Kazo was scum trying to hide behind a gimmick to not provide content because I’ve seen it! Zorvo (aka Gavial) did it in a game at Mafia Universe and got chopped for it cause Gavial did not provide any AI content, it was him trolling all game and roleplaying when questioned and he was chopped on day 3.

I have signed up to games with an idea to play differently. Like this account, I made it with the intention to post reads in the form of Memes, Memes was supposed to be a gimmick for every game regardless of rand, so scum reading someone only for gimmicking is bad and doubling down on it is scummy.

This is why I was scum reading Neon on day 1.

Oh! Also, if Neon actually flips scum, Zorvo is spewed town from her flip based on this.

(EBWOP: “The end of it” being the end of the day, when his wagon had pulled far ahead of everything else, to be clear. Unfortunately, I wasn’t around for that, and all I had time to do was a quick note that I suspected Leafia and Atlas in conjunction with each other. I’ll post feeling bad about every mis-execution, regardless of if it was good for information or not.

A mis-execution is a blow to my ego no matter what happens, because all you need to analyze a wagon properly is for everyone else to believe it’s going to go through. The voting patterns were clearly those of a wagon on a townie, and the perfect mafia player I intermittently believe myself to be would be able to stop it there and call O kazo town.)

Memes, I’m sure this analysis is great, but this yellow is a certified Color Contrast Accessibility Moment and I’m afraid I’m honor-bound to complain.

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Oh I’m blind so I use the dark theme

I know it’s not a real fix, but you can highlight the yellow text as if you wanted to just quote the segment to read it better.

when do we vote Lemon now two days later? Zorvo

Leafia (2): Jaiden, Phraze
May (2): Lemonfairy, Zorvo
Jaiden (1): Jarek

Not Voting (6): Atlas, Neon, Memes, May, sillykitty2366, Leafia

Speed boost.