Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

Cause If I could I’d give an example from it

I just did what I thought would make it easier for me

Every single example from it

we won
so i gave up
you couldn’t do anything at that point

Is that why your WiM went down?
Soon as O.Kazo was executed?

I was right on leafia and sillykitty and I’m happy about that, I wasn’t completely blindsided

Also can I just ask wtf was O.Kazo doing.


Yeah I hard thought SillyKitty had to be a wolf.
Leafia I seen wolf equity with SillyKitty but I seen allot more stuff that makes SillyKitty a wolf and Leafia looked like they were in an ML position but on second glance they normally get pushed like that so.

O.kazo is a secret alt of Zorvo btw

The sentence above might be true


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Like I legit said SillyKitty was sus from how they treated Atlas

If it wasn’t for that damn Roleblock claim by Leafia I would have challenged SillyKitty to a Thunderdome.

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We should have resolved may/leafia but I got cold feet and went for what I thought was the easier choice

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Easy choise is an illusion.

Hard choise, easy life
Easy choise, hard life

ayo what Jarek played in this game??

They played a ghoster :ghost:

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Jaiden just seemed likely wolf at the time

Hmmm, tough to say. I think so, but I’m not 100% certain.

Good. You’re learning then.