Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

Except you’ve stated I’d they are alive the next day they get voted anyways. Why wouldn’t mafia just wait?

They meant Kitty but yeah I seen that too and thought it was funny.

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You realize from my over 100 mafia games time played town wins more games when mafia are forced to kill LHF’s at night and lose potential ML for them.

The problem is you are blindly trusting a claim that’s easily faked and has a higher than 50% chance of being fake

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You realize from my over 100 games of playing mafia that town wins more when they actually solve the game and don’t hide behind fake statistics

They want to chop PR over VT sure but you have to understand mafia obviously take those easy ML’s that are LHF that Lemon happens to be.

So if Lemon is town, mafia loves that


You realize I know how to play mafia and you only are talking about the basics and you it’s like NOT IMPORTANT as we don’t gain any TOWN ADVANTAGE.

But we DO with my “Real” Statistics of forcing mafia to kill LHF’s at night.

Yes. Mafia would rather vote Lemon… and not me.

All things equal with equal pressure no mafia doesn’t mis lim the lhf they mis lim the loud ass towny who is going to get them in trouble.

LHF are easy to push so yes.

Want me to send you some games?

Want me to send you some games?

Your point holds no water my friend I can cite plenty of counter points.

But hey you do you I’m actually not engaging you anymore you are actively a detriment to solving the game lol

Neon I think the issue is you don’t actually follow town advantage strategics I honestly don’t think you care about it you just play mafia normally without having an advantage which that is a difference between you and I.

so fmpov there’s no reason for mafia to try and push a claimed PR
meanwhile Magnus was saying wolves would try to push PR instead of waiting and using that to conclude that Zorvo backing off me after I’ve claimed means if they’re scum then I must be scum too

Wolves kill strong voices not silent background players.

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If I can find a way of lowering mafias odds of winning I do.

You don’t care to do that you just follow the normal process of FM. (Solving, Reads, Evaluation etc.) where I do allot more and try and gain an advantage.

Wolves usually night kill those that’s the issue.
Strong voices can be hard for them to ML.

There’s no tactical reason to wait another day to frame a mislim

You either are a mislim or your not. You either need to die or you don’t.

Mafia should be able to prod and see if the pressure is there if they force enough pressure on the mislim and they can hide behind it why would they wait. Not everyone on your wagon is going to be wolf.

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Mafia has no reason to think you are a PR any more tomorrow or today or at night.

You gain the ability at most of your a cop to clear one person and die by claiming this early if you don’t just get mislimmed anyways.

as I said, culture clash