Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

The fact that strong town voices have been in the PoE all day begs to differ

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This doesn’t help me find you… the reasoning makes no sense…I actually want to believe you are Town but your play only works if you are a VT who lied and wolves fell for the lie…

Otherwise I can’t make sense of how it benefits town at all.

Either way I’m not limmimg you right now anyways


GTH scum team go

Give me reads… give me something…

I already claimed
can’t really change that

people can believe me or not, it doesn’t really matter
but claiming itself shouldn’t be reason enough to try and miselim me - they should at least be independently reading me as scummy from my posts
I find it so weird that people think claiming PR is a good reason to scumread me

although, if I’m going to be miselimmed sooner or later, it’s arguably better for it to happen earlier than later (better if it doesn’t happen at all)

It’s mafia… everything is readable

There’s a reason your being SRd almost universally.

There’s a reason why the claim is being read into

Timing, reasoning, motive the claim itself… it’s all going to be read. Tone and words matter. Nothing is read in a vacuum but nothing should be considered unreadable either.

I… want to TR you because I don’t ever trust universal scum reads

But I literally threw Valo Wolf by protecting a scum lhf universal wolf read in nearly an identical situation involving Zorvo

Which oddly makes Zorvos take that lhf must be protected at all costs feel even more wolfy to me lol

Unless you are innocent child or claiming you got a N0 green/Redcheck.

ftr I gave some reads a while back but everyone just kind of ignored them

rn I’m kind of at Magnus/Leafia

let me think of a third one for prosperity

Are you agreeing or disagreeing with Lemon here? I can’t actually tell

This is a start.


what I did was NAI

And sorry I missed it…I miss things a lot more than I care to admit

claiming greencheck would still be sus

Maybe… but also maybe not.

It behooves you to claim PR to pull off pressure. And it clearly worked out would have worked.

It also behooves you to fake claim as town in certain situations.

It almost never behooves you to real claim a town PR at this point unless you have info that benefits town

Claiming PR D1 are NAI, unless said PR got N0 results.

Depends on a lot of factors…I wouldn’t claim this early anyways I’d breadcrumb

Maybe with gifs… probably with gifs actually

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There are many factors and many situations where this is just not true

So you are saying that Im scum with Zorvo because i didnt quit voted him when i had suspected him?

It’s Zorvo! Ive seen this guy being a chaotic mess as both alignments, i know him from another site (gavial) and here he is soooo calm which I appreciate but also hypocritical so, scares me.

I’ve been trying to figure if the change of playstyle is genuine or it is because he is hiding a wolf rand.