Flicker! FM - The Kidnapper Team Will Strike Again...

i went to around 110 if im being honest
but i’ll check later than that right now, i was just being lazy

kind of agree here
will wait and see on this slot ig

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from a quick skim
around 120-155 you started getting better, which at least makes it better but it’s not too much to be honest

that’s ok
the pointless quip makes it hard to find the content posts

that’s totally understandable

your iso was mostly one liners and fluff from around 1-110, but i see at a good bit of thought provoking responses from after

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it just bothers me when people say I have no content at all

and of course, I will give a snarky/passive-aggressive comment in response because I’m just that petty

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i’ve been tired for a good bit either way, so i can’t blame you as of late

get some rest if you can then

i’ll live anyway
just waiting for more people to show up

is there anything else you want to talk about?

hmmm not a lot comes to mind
I think I’ll go to sleep in a bit

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oh wait
low posters that I don’t have reads on

think May is towny at least

idk about Phraze
Jaiden kind of disappeared

fair enough
i’m just waiting for others anyway

I can’t spell

Wait a second.
My town read on Magnus maybe actually a little bit bias.

oooh explain?

forget it
I’ll read it tomorrow

I sleeps

Ok well I don’t see anything that makes them Townie.
The things that make me find them wolfy is them calling my reasons non-existence, how they have been going “Neon is Townie” and other similar stuff without elaboration in the post and now them calling Atlas out of nowhere during our discussion about Magnus.

Sure they did elaborate afterwards but I was still sus of them at the time.