FoL Music League

on the music league app?

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by app do u mean like APP or website

you can use an adblock on an ios app?

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nvm i misunderstood you sorry

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You can if you jailbreak it, but normally im not sure

well you did just unintentionally teach me that it also works on desktop browser so thanks LMAO


Yea but like idk how I could respond to prompts with just some bops with no lyrics.

u def can, just depends on the prompt. if u check out the last music league there were a few categories where people submitted songs with no lyrics (i.e. me)

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And like my ones with lyrics fall into 1 of 3 categories: Depressing, Angry, Fucked Up. Like I dont think I have listened to a single happy song in the past year

And some of it isnt on spotify cuz like the song has 200 views so that is a thing to

Yea soundcloud has some funny stuff on there

be edgy. be yourself. go off

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naw that sounds depressing lmao

Tho the instrumental stuff I find is a bop

Should I drop one of the bops here? idk might be a good idea :thinking:

up to u, ill prob listen to it

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how do I put an mp3 file on here

I made a new spotify account specifically for this game

you could upload it to catbox and then send the link