FoL Music League

That could be anything

Music you’d listen to while wolfing

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Seems straightforward enough to me

So how do you judge that

compare with this bs like

Floating upon the waves of time, endlessly bound towards no end, having tossed your agency to the gentle current.
Can one be lost without a destination? Or is being lost itself a destination?


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it’s cool and artsy and all but like I don’t wanna have to try and put myself into whatever tf abstract headspace another person was in when they subbed their song

I just wanna be like “would this hype me up if I were mafia? yes? cool”

it’s chill if you’d rather do the former but it is just not appealing to me at all

I wander around London a lot, and I wanted the songs to capture that sensation.

I have never been to london and have exactly never experienced that sensation

so like

what am I supposed to do with this :joy_cat:

This was so random btw and has nothing to do with your own theme I fear
Like you said this and it was such a jumpscare

need me a song that has the sounds of various old men yelling at each other, the police asking if you have a loicense, and somehow conveys the physical sensation of being sad and wet all the time


again I’m not here to say you’re wrong to set things up like this or that it was bad to do so, just that it has no appeal to me

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I like all the other categories i just think the theme for this one invites too many memes and is very hard to find actually decent music for lol


found a great track to exemplify wandering through london guys


Hence why I was trying to convey that sensation through language.
I’m happy with what I wrote, but I think I’m just trying to achieve the impossible.

Yeah, I wanted this one to be more focused without being restrictive, but I think it just ended up being restrictive and unfocused. Think I needed to decide on a specific tone and commit to it.

#5 is intentionally extremely vague because I like the idea of a wild card round, and I really like Round 4’s prompt.

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Round 5 is going to be so ungenuine from me LOL

I have a song that’s like okay but I feel like y’all are gonna eat it up

I have two songs in mind for this, and I’m debating which one to go with.