FoL Music League

On my spreadsheet, I screwed up Sulit’s votes, and now I’m trying to figure out four different people’s votes.
Pain and suffering.

@grrrrrr wanna join this music game ?

no, i listen songs on youtube not on spotify. i dont know how spotify works…

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fwiw I also don’t use spotify

so I simply listened to the same songs elsewhere to rank them all, and just found the spotify link to the song I wanted to submit for my own submissions

really easy even if not quite as seamless


Same; I use Apple Music and just have a Spotify account for this.

I’d sooner pay for Apple Music than Spotify

where the actual fuck is Hi-Fi holy shit it’s been three years since you announced it


@YoubutWorse @Marluna @Garfooled @Daeron dont forgor to listen and do rankings


too complicated :pensive:

I should start keeping a list of songs I run into in case I need any of them for Music League.


Like, stuff I run into and don’t necessarily listen to often but would work well for a future theme.

I don’t usually use Spotify either but hey there is lyrics for every song and search bar is pretty easy :pleading_face:

@Garfooled @YoubutWorse @Marluna 34.5 hours


We should probably standardize a time at which we start pinging people.

i think 34.5 hours is a fairly standard time


Will be sure to ping people exactly 8.16247 hours before the end of the round, then.

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Go for it :+1:t2: Just don’t forget when you’re meant to ping people


are votes due 2024-04-13T01:00:00Z?


I have bad news i dont think im gonna get my votes in
Lemme see if i can download the app?