FoL Music League


@Chloe, 38 minutes left.


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is voting just like vs dislike? seems too black & white

You distribute ten likes among all the songs.

ohhhhhhhhhh ty that’s an interesting way to do it

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i also put a cap of 5 likes on a single song since people were asking for that

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@nutella link is in OP
heads up that it isn’t exactly like a walrus - not everyone is treating it as a “share new music” thing lol
lots of us are tho

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im trying to do a new artist for every submission
im not necessairly succeeding but its the thought that counts


im here because i just alerted chloe to the existence of the decemberists’ new 20 minute prog folk ballad and she was disappointed it was just barely too late for her to submit it for the first category apparently but you all should listen to it anyway it’s epic !!

it is very very epic

lol brain power

well this is surprisingly weeb

I blame nbow and jenna

i love looking at the playlist and immediatley seeing a song in the reccomended that’s better than what I submitted that I just. Forgot about.

Question: what is a good indication for a song to be unknown?

generally plays on spotify is a pretty decent metric

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youtube views is also good but obviously is technically an external platform since Music League integrates with Spotify

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What number would you think as “unknown”?

Less than a mill plays?

@Marluna I think I’d probably bracket it something like this as a general rule of thumb:

Over 1 billion - probably don’t submit this ever if you’re at all trying to be novel
Over 500 million - very likely most people have heard it at least once, be careful (especially as you get closer to 1B)
Over 100 million - this zone basically comes down to the target audience, lots of songs here everybody will know and lots of songs nobody will, gotta know your audience
Over 10 million - as long as it’s not tied in some way to something that people have a reason to know or a band that is very popular amongst the group you’re probably fine
Over 1 million - as long as you don’t try to submit something you know people will know, you’re probably good
Over 100 thousand - if everybody knows this you have insanely bad luck
Under 100 thousand - basically 100% safe zone

This is by no means always accurate, especially in groups that have some shared musical experiences (for example, subbing a song from FoLrus or an earlier Music League round to this is likely to result in everybody knowing your song lol) but it’s probably a decent bar to estimate by

If it’s from something extremely popular that’s also usually a sign that most people will have heard it - for example, I’m sure I could find a ton of songs with 43 million spotify plays that nobody else in this league has heard of, but I’m also fairly confident that most of us have heard Pigstep at least once since, y’know, Minecraft is the world’s single highest-selling video game of all time