FoL Music League

Thanks, i can work with this.
The first song, I thought a song to be unknown, but spotify said it has more than 2 mill plays, and I thought I will look for a song in the next two weeks.

2 million plays sounds like a lot, but really popular stuff reaches 1 billion so it’s really not that much when spread across spotify’s entire userbase

if it’s 2 million plays I find it really hard to believe everybody will know it, again, unless you’re actively trying to submit something we all definitely know despite not being popular, or unless you re-submit something that has already been featured on FoL in a walrus or earlier music league round

hell there’s at least one over-1B-plays song I can think of off of the top of my head that I would actually feel relatively comfortable submitting to this group in particular and being reasonably confident that outside of nbow/chloe it would be essentially new to most people in this league (although if marshal and sulit were still in that would no longer be true)

so knowing your audience is definitely a large part of it, for better and for worse

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you can just say us zoomers wouldnt know it


it’s from almost as long before I was born as time I’ve been alive, and I’m older than most of you

I know a lot of songs, I could submit to you which are popular here, but I would say none of you know it. (Mostly because of language barrier reasons.) But i doubt those will score high for english speaking people.


it really depends

sometimes I get foreign songs and I’m just like “cool, I guess, but I don’t really get it” and sometimes I get foreign songs that I’m like “holy shit that was incredible”

imo the question really comes down to how much the song relies on cultural familiarity - like, if I hear your average random Mexican song on the radio, I’m not walking away feeling much of anything at all, but I’m sure people who grew up in that culture would have all sorts of internal associations with that kind of music that would generate a lot more feelings

same is true when I hear a lot of songs from the middle east or india, and I’m sure would be true about other places that I just have less exposure to

however, that doesn’t mean I haven’t heard songs from Mexico or songs from India or whatnot that I think are really good, even if they’re not at all in english - it’s just that those tend to be the ones that break the mold of what’s done strictly because it’s traditional for that culture (which I have no real ties to) and do something that I find more interesting as an outside listener

at the end of the day that’s just kinda how it be :man_shrugging:

would you say you prefer when it’s… not black or white?


i am in silly silly

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oh right ur the joycat


half of y’all wouldn’t know it

First time around, I thought it was Katze.

where new link

oh my god…

this game is for nerds

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btw for the next cat nobody is allowed to sub this

I don’t even know what that song is, so sure.

Why’re you posting it now, though? Just submit it yourself for Music League.

I’m not subbing it, I am also somebody so I’m not allowed
